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Everything posted by Rodders

  1. Our dojo is a school hall and due to the growing popularity with the school they have upgraded the floor to a quality Wood style vinyl. It's great. You can really glide across it and it is always immaculate. I have trained on hard wood and it looks great but they make some quality vinyls now and I prefer training on that.
  2. Just wondering if anyone has ever trained with the living legend that is Kancho Kanazawa?!
  3. Great tips everyone. Interesting to hear from someone a similar age having trouble with their hips! I thought I had dodgy hips or something! Ha I stretch everyday and practise my kata as often as possible. I like the idea of doing yoko kicks slow to build up my strength and perfect my form. I will defo start doing that each day and see if that makes a difference to my efforts in class. I noticed some good videos on you tube for stretches. I'm sure I will be doing the splits in no time! Rodders
  4. Hi all, I enjoy watching karate documentories online and spotted the following on YouTube and thought I'd share it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92i_JqB6ffU&feature=youtube_gdata_player Let me know what you think. Feel free to share anything you think is worth a look! Rodders
  5. Thanks for getting back to me people. I appreciate there is no short cuts to getting maximum flexibility so I shall continue to follow my sensai's teachings. Great forum, glad to be aboard. Oss
  6. Hi All, I'm 8kyu in Shotokan and my kicks are improving, but I still feel my flexibility is holding me back. Does anyone have a good stretching technique I can do daily to improve my flexibility? I want to do the splits one day like my sensai so I'm thinking maybe I should be doing more stretches at home. Rodders (28 year old Karateka from England)
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