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kazuya Mishima

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Everything posted by kazuya Mishima

  1. Thanks guys, the links helped a lot.
  2. Do you know of an internet site that has bunkai of katas with explanations? Here its really hard to find books not to mention videos.
  3. And same here in Mexico.
  4. We always use white gis. Almost every school in Mexico uses exclusively white gis. You know, the tradition and other things.
  5. I can train the days i want from monday to saturday at the hour i want. So i usually go when im finished with school and work, regardless of hour. I try to train 4 to 5 days per week (sometimes 3 hours a day, but usually 1 1/2)
  6. I was told that lower stances are for kihon and kata and in kumite i should use a higer stance but when i counterattack i should change to a good and deep stance, thus my puch is stronger. About being old style its not supposed to be exactly like that but i have a different point of view. Have you trained in a dojo afiliated to the wska? The shihan is Hitoshi Kasuya. When he came to give a 5days seminary i was the translator. Thus we spent a lot of time together (every day from 6 am to 10 pm). He told me that although JKa still uses very deep stances, he prefers to use a low stance but not so deep, and the make the stances shorter and the purpose was to prevent damage the knee (and the typical knee surgery that a lot of karateka have). When i was preparing to my shoa test my sensei (who was recently affiliated with him) told me to do that thing with the stances and i didn't know why, i believed it was just to practice a little more of speed. But 4 days after my test when i was speaking with Kasuya sensei he told me about it. I even in my test he asked me to make my stances shorter although deep, resulting in a stance a little higher than the usual shotokan people.
  7. I study shotokan. I started when i entered the preparatory school and and it was the only style that was available. Not that i knew of styles in that time..
  8. Glad to hear that. I would like to have seminars like that where i live but, well, they are none.
  9. I like unsu and tekki nidan but right now im only performing Gankaku again and again and again...
  10. 1' Dan Karate Shotokan Hi, this is my first reply although i have been reading the forums for 1 month.
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