Hello, I am new to this forum but I have been wrestling my friends and other competitors in freestyle submission wrestling. I am aware that the rules we play by probably are not part of any actual sport but basically all we do is say that the first person to get the opponent to tap out 5 times is the winner, and they can do whatever they like to achieve this through holds. The only rule we do say is that we can only apply holds using arms and legs so we can do pretty much any submission holds out there. We mainly do bodyscissors combined with a full nelson to achieve a tap out from the opponent. I am having a match with a friend soon and I was hoping if anyone found give me any tips or moves that I could try that would achieve a tap out as quick as possible. It does not matter if the moves are not legal in proper sport, I am just looking for ways to achieve a submission in any way possible. My opponent is fairly new to the sport but his legs are incredibly strong and muscular so any advice on how to get out of bodyscissors would be very helpful! Also if there any any other tips you could give me on how to get quick and painful submissions your help would be greatly appreciated! Thank You