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Karate_ni_sente_nashi's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Choosing a dojo wasn't a decision that I took lightly. I visited literally every dojo in my city, until I found the right one for me. If you make the right choice, the commute is not so long. As for katas, you may learn to love them. Maybe not, but there's a reason that they have stuck around for thousands of years. In either Kidokushin or Wado-ryu, you WILL do katas. You will do drills. There will be repetition. It helps with muscle memory, among many other things. As for switching styles, I look at this as a benefit, not an obstacle. Provided you enter a new style with a clear mind and not a constant attitude of "Oh, well...we did X when I practiced in Y."
  2. Long time lurker, first time poster. I trained for three years in Shaolin Kung Fu to earn my black belt, and now I am trying a completely new style: Shotokan. My sensei gave me permission to wear my black Shaolin gi in his class, but I have chosen to start as a white belt. Any suggestions for a smooth transition from one style to another? Any tips for a Shotokan beginner?
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