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  • Martial Art(s)
  • Location
    Omaha, NE
  • Interests
    martial arts
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jkddragon2007's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)



  1. hey i got a bruce lee book but its not tao of jeet kune do. i have Bruce lees commentary of the martial way. its really good and i personally recommend it
  2. i was always afraid to dies wheni was younger but about three years ago i have been wondering if death is such a scarey thing after all. ever since I was more informed on death i dont think its a big deal death will hapen when it happens even at a young age i recieved this enlightenment when i was 12 years of age.
  3. I asked my instructor and he said that the only reason that we have belts is to show who is where at first glance which is what i thought in the first place but he also says its more of an insentive to get up in rank to the younger students.
  4. his name is brian potter he must have for some reason i dont know y he is using the beltt system but ill have to ask him he might just do it just to show where every one in the class stands or we are not practining the traditional form of JKD?? that is very interesting and ill have to figure it out.
  5. i was wondering how did u get this chance to train in the temple?? did ur grand master reccomend you or did u have to write a letter to the monks?? i am really interested in training in a temple to improve my martial arts status but not yet (i still have to earn my black belt in Jeet Kune Do) but i am really interested in doing this.
  6. hey thanks that really helps ill have to check when the next tournament comes around my instructor wants this group that im in (we all go to the dojo together and go to the same school) to get up in rank asap because he wants to sponsor us when we fight!! i just want to get into it faster
  7. hey thanks!! i tried to get on defend.net but the thing says that i dont have permission to post on the website mainly because i mightve deleted the link on my e-mail ill have to sing up again!! has any 1 been to the bruce lee a druggie forum on this site?? pretty freaky i didnt kno that he ate cannibis brownies i heard he did crack because he thought that it made him faster??? o well i guess that the world will never know the truth!
  8. hey does any body know about any Jeet Kune Do or any other martial arts tournaments in Nebraska??
  9. i almost forgot the good stuff that i can do i can use ki tosnse people i can use it to increase my strength and speed my mind is stronger than it was before i started to practice ki
  10. hey that sound really kool send as much info as possible; dont try to leave no matter how simple it is you have a once in a lifetime deal going stay as long as possible.
  11. hey im startin to feel that there very few ppl in my martial art and was wonder who all is in it. my martial art (incase u didnt kno) is Jeet Kune Do i am trying to make a website and would like to have more info about it because i am only a beginner so if u wanna pm me ro im me or post thatll be great
  12. i live in nebraska and i practice Jeet Kune Do i to my amzement just stumbled upon it actually my friend did and got me into it lucky for me! i have been training for a couple months and i have already attained the rank of orange belt. my master has been wanting to get my group up as fast as possible to have us spar in tournaments for the skool.
  13. in ki i can heat up my body i can make a "ball" i can open my "third eye" chakra i can actually see ki with it. i do not believe that a person could actually fly unless they either a hop on a plane b train constantly every day for many many years. my Jeet Kune Do master knows ppl who do practice ki and use it in tournaments. i how ever do not recommend that yoou practice ki if ur not going to train ALOT if u WON'T train DON'T do it.
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