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  • Martial Art(s)
    Go Kan Ryu Karate, Muay Thai, Capoeira

Susurro's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Just the other day I was browsing through various martial arts sites and as usually I saw many names of martial artists with dan grades in 2 or 3 different arts. Ok so whats my point right??? Well then I came across the DSI (dragon society international) homepage. Looked very interesting then I looked at the credentials for two of their masters Rick Moneymaker and Tom Muncy............. Rick Money Maker (25 years martial arts experience) Kudan (9th degree black belt), Torite-jutsu (Recognized by A.K.B.B.A. Kudan (9th degree black belt), Okinawan Kempo Karate-do Hachidan (8th degree black belt), World and British Jenpo Arts Federation Rokudan (6th degree black belt), Tae Kwon Do by American Black Belt Assocation Godan (5th degree black belt), Isshinryu Karate-do Yondan (4th degree black belt), Aikibudo Nidan (2nd degree black belt), Japanese Goju-ryu Karate-do I'm just curious to know how in 25 years one person would be able to attain grades from 2nd dan to 9th dan in 7 different styles??? Could someone help me understand this amazing track record?
  2. Woo Hoo $2,071,084.00.........thats good right???
  3. You're right, I didn't think you're comments about the club on this thread were bad, that was just you asking questions and stating what you had seen...it was this quote from another post that I was refering to "Does anyone actually go to a go kan ryu club?? Because I have seen their classes, and their yellow belt instructors who they slap a black belt o and make everyone treat like god! I also know how much they expect you to pay for this rubbish too, they come round to my house at least 1ce a month to try and convert me!! They are an absolute money making scam what care nothing about their students and it needs stopping!!" I just thought that was a little out of order, I'm not touchy about the subject, you asked a question with a request for information and I replied. As far as failing to get students is concerned the club has over 40,000 students at present so it doesn't seem to be a problem, and many of our senior instructors have come from other styles, alot of them at 2nd dan shotokan or above. As far as poor instructors go, with that number of students there are bound to be a few instructors who aren't as good as the rest but have you looked at the other clubs in your area(apart from GKR) I have, and alot of the time both the instuctor and the content of the class are dire. I met an instructor the other month who was 25years of age and was claiming to be a 14th Dan, the highest ranked Japanese master is only a 10th dan!(but I don't go round slagging the club) As for my grade I'm quite new to the club and am only a yellow belt but have trained in many other styles over the years and have found the standard of intrsuction to be high, I also have no qualms about the 22 pounds I paid to join, I have paid similar amounts for licences in the past. GKR has been established in Australia for a much longer period and has won a great deal of the open championship tournaments over there......I have faith in the style, belief in the club, and will be sticking with it for many years to come. None of this post is meant to cause offence, just to answer questions so unless you have seen the club as whole then please stop critising it. Friends? (the black belt you refered to in the above quote is a black and white belt-so the students know who the instructor is, not a relection of grade)
  4. if you want more info on go kan ryu look at the articles on Robert Sullivan on this page https://www.sportzblitz.net/blitz-martial-arts/top-stories/index-topstories.asp and rethink your actions........you're supposedly trained in a traditional martial art so stop slagging other clubs....definately not good etiquette
  5. The style of Go-Kan-Ryu is actually a very strong style, just because you've seen one brown belt student who was not of high standard is not enough to make an assumption about the rest of the students, yes I have seen people in the club grade who I have believed weren't deserving of the grade but this happens occasionally at any karate or martial arts club. No you can't get a black belt in six weeks.....more like six years! As far as the business side of the club goes, it is not run to make money but it is run in a way that allows people to teach and train in karate full time instead of the usual way (people who have trained in karate and run a voluntary club once or twice a week) the instructors are not always black belts but are actually trained specifically to become instructors and train every week with their senior instructor to make sure their standard is high and their skills are always increasing. It also allows the style to spread and hold regular tournaments. Sometimes you will hear bad reports about the club from other instuctors, the reason for this is that Go-Kan-Ryu actively recruit members by knocking of peoples doors and telling them about the benefits of karate....you see some instuctors think that this takes away students that would have normally attended their club....but then i don't see them actively looking for students, do you, no then stop whinging and get off you asses! As a final note I would like to mention one small thing, later this year it is going to be made that anyone wanting to teach karate(any style) in the UK will have to be NVQ qualified to do so or they will not be able to get a licence to teach (including current instructors) the senior intructor allocated to assess the instuctors for this qualification is actually one of Go-Kan-Ryu's senior instructors(allocated by NAKMAS and the Government) could this be a reflection on the club???????????? IF YOU HAVE ANY MORE QUESTIONS ABOUT THE CLUB JUST POST THEM AND I WILL ANSWER AS BEST AS I CAN.
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