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Everything posted by RazeMMA

  1. I would say this also if I didn't utilize elbow jams as blocks. The first fist that come in and meets my elbow straight on is going to re-coil with broken fingers, and that sudden pain will stop the other fist from following it...if not, it will also return with broken fingers. Every technique just about has an Achilles Heal...the elbow jam is the Achilles Heal for the "straight blast"... in my opinion.
  2. I'd like to hear various thoughts on this. I think the statement hits pretty close to home. Fighting really isn't anything I want to be a part of on the street. Too many variable, and too many things can go wrong, especially for something triggering pride or ego. It absolutely should be a last resort. Thoughts and opinions? I think they (and you) hit the nail on the head. If we do it right, self-defense is issued and the incident is over in a matter of seconds. If we screw it up, then we could be in a combative situation (a fight) for minutes or longer - that's no good.
  3. I agree with most...get off line with accurate timing. This is one reason why I like Aikido so much, most (if not all) of the techniques go off line while grasping the attacking limb...add a little twist here or a turn there, and the opponent is off balance, ready to hit the floor - especially in combat Aikido.
  4. I understand and agree with what you are saying here, but the rest of your post left me a little unsure. I don't think that asking this question necessarily implies that one is going out looking for fights to see what he can get away with. Bruce Lee did this, and while it may have made him more confident in himself, his early years say little of his respect for life (thankfully that changed as he got older and matured in the arts). I for one do not go out looking for trouble, but the sad state of affairs in my hometown sometimes brings such circumstances to your front door. My basic philosophy is this...I now practice the MA's for self-defense purposes, and if a person is approaching a combative situation with me, and it is feasible and an intelligent thing to do, I will try to avoid the confrontation. However, if it is not the intelligent thing to do, or if it is not avoidable, then I will do whatever is necessary to defend myself and my family. Especially if someone breaks into my house threatening their safety...there is no wondering about how much force needs to be used.
  5. Interesting...but I don't see how asking the question means that I am somehow less able to defend myself. I ask these just to see what others think, because in my environment filled with gang-bangers that are running amok, stabbing and shooting and causing basic horror stories around town, my first thought is put 'em down quick and fast. No push-n-run here...they will follow you, and there usually is more than one. They are basically cowards in my mind, never going toe-to-toe, one-on-one...it is always three or more against one. Perhaps...in differing environments...these are inappropriate questions to ask...but where I live these scenarios are everyday occurrences. I did not mean to target a specific technique to repel a specific kind of attack, what I was getting at was do you knock out...put down...break something ...what? Since my training focuses strictly on self-defense while remaining as unharmed as possible, adult ranks train to stop the fight as quickly as possible - KO or breaking something. Thanks for the input!
  6. Favorite Take-down...good one, I didn't think of it. My favorite take-down is a wrist lock throw...you can break the wrist during the throw if you have too, and I love seeing those feet flying threw the air one right after the other!
  7. I don't believe that allowing the attacker to throw the first punch means that I need to let that punch land. I believe that more options are open to me because of the techniques and skills that I have, if I let him commit himself . Put it this way...if I had to fight someone who knows what I know...I would not be issuing the first punch, because I know what he can do to my hand, arm, etc... I say let him throw the first punch, what he gives me whole will be returned to him broken up.
  8. You are wherever you are, and whatever the circumstances, this guy is coming at you with the intent on knocking your block off...will you just use basic self-defense or put him in the hospital? Same situation only this time he has a knife...break something, put him down and out, or hospitalize him? Same situation, only this time there's more than one...say three, unarmed. Same situation, only this time all three are armed with knives. My take? I'm gonna break something...and hit as many meridian points as possible...
  9. In answering my own questions... 1. outside cleansing 2. straight lead knuckle punch (Long Fist) 3. front kick 4. finger slap (for the eyes and certain nerve attacks) Happy New Year!!!
  10. What is your favorite blocking defensive technique? What is your favorite attacking technique? What is your favorite kicking technique? What is your favorite "hand" technique (Tiger Claw, fist, back knuckle...)?
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