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Everything posted by chopper

  1. Just spoke to one of their leaders/sensei and had quite a balanced discussion. Seems that there is at least one other club in the area that is even more commercial than GKR, so it is not all lost. I asked about shifting clubs once/if I achieve a certain grade. Lets just say I achieve Green then wanted to move clubs. Apparetnly the key (you lot will know better than me) is things like the Kata's will be different. Moving from clubs with the style wont be hard, but moving from the mixed of GKR would be. Whoever thought a decision on which club (and ultimately, style), would be a concern. Here I was a few weeks ago just thinking Karate was Karate... By the way comments on Karate being a defence and not cowardly are noted.
  2. thanks for taking the time to read, reply. I will look up some other clubs, but really do struggle. the ones at schools and churches can be hard to find - even GKR are vague on where they are until you actually know their name. still, if I find one, I am still really unsure as to what is to look for. I see people say that low numbers are potentially seasonal, linked to terms, or even a karate school or class just starting out. I apparetnly cannot rely on a coloured belt as they may have earned their black belt too easily or may have a white band through it. is there a yellow pages of karate schools? in essence, I am guessing I should stick this out for a while to get a footing into karate and maybe find somewhere new. but then I think, maybe I should get out now but where to.
  3. dwx - thanks. btw I have added my location, my bad on not before apologies. in regard to what I want, it needs to be with the boy mainly. but at the end of it, whenever that is, I would rather have learned something useful. I understand from the Sensei that basically the idea is only to defend yourself, only hit the other side if you have to, until you can get into a position where you can leave the probem. I could say that I am being taught something I will probably never use and, I don't mean this with disrespect, it makes me sound a bit like a coward? Still, I want this to be something to get me fitter, give us both confidence. I hate the monotony of gym work. I shall check out the link, thanks.
  4. "Sorry, but the administrator has prevented you from sending private messages or you have under 25 posts."
  5. Dobbersky, thanks for the reply. One of the moans about GKR is that they use schools and not dedicated property (ie school floors are maybe not designed to take the rigours of Karate), and may hurt more. I also cannot see a church having comfy floors, but does the floor matter? Still, I viewed the one form of karate being done at my local leisure centre and I left as a noticed students being left alone who clearly were the ones needing the help. Where I am I least get some 121 guidance throughout. On your last paragraph, maybe more crucially, how do I know when someone is qualified. What am I looking for as obviously the black belt is clearly not enough. There is no point going to something not designed for its purpose, but how do I know I am not moving from one rotten apple to another?
  6. Well, new member, first post, blah blah. no welcomes needed. I recently joined a club and joined by what appears to be a rather unique method in comparison to other clubs - cold calling/door knocking. I see many people dislike the club, GKR, but still I was always considering joining a club, but even in these days of search engines I was never finding one close enough to me. Even more so when I have an nine year old in tow that I am trying to get out doing more activities. The knock at the door in fact got me into Karate and here now. So, after the knock at the door, as many free viewings as I wanted, even a free trial, I am now a few lessons in (and yes still in jogging bottoms). I have though done some recent web searches under the clubs name and see that the organisation has quite a number of critics. Now being that I knew nothing about Karate other than chopping boards and Chief Inspector Jacques Clouseau, this club seems fine. This feeling seemingly carries over to some others, though there are 'four years of knowing no better' type quotes I have read. None-the-less, I am happy at present, especially when my only other exercise was getting out of bed and now I leave a lesson there feeling I have actually done something physically useful. Still, reading more and more I really am not a teacher and if indeed I won't be able to progress past green without teaching, they can go fly in the long-term. So I then consider, ok why don't I just change schools now and learn another way, but then, I am having a newbie-good time at the moment. So my question, how on earth do you decide what a good club is? I have no eye for great teaching, no idea about Dans and only recently read that a black and white belt is a bit of a sham. WHAT do you look for? All I see on their youtube videos is a group of kids & adults having a top time - is that not a priority in this? I have found searching for online reviews is a bit of a bad method. I own a Ford Car and I bet I could find more moans about them than positive's even though they are one of the worlds most bought cars. It is in our blood to compalin more than praise... Lastly, please, no sarcasm/disrespecting of the club I am currently at - lets save that for the other forum posts in the forum (and other forums) eh. I can read your comments there.
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