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    Charleston, SC

Humphry's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Sojobo To consider oneself as an "expert" is to miss what it it that the Ryu, the Do is all about. I will remain a student always, never an expert, as I will always be open to learning about my chosen path OSU!!! I like your line of thinking here, but I don't necessarily think the two (student and expert) have to conflict. As an example, look at golf. If a perfect game (hole in one on every hole) has never been played on a par 4 course, can it still not be said that the professional players on the PGA tour are still experts in the field? Each of these players are the top level in the sport, and yet they each still continue to train and improve their abilities. To attain a pilot license (or black belt?) for a single engine airplane requires 40 hours of flight time. The license is the accomplishment, but that it hardly expert status. I can see how my top post got too hung up on the strict definition of "expert" and that is my mistake. But I think the larger point and questions I was digging for was more related to the journey as a whole. 10,000 hours should confer a certain degree of proficiency in a given activity, but that is as arbitrary as rank is, I guess. But my thought was more about what contributes to proficiency (dedicated practice of the art, and/or supplimental training in weights, edurance, etc.), and what level of focus does or did it take to get you there. I certainly agree that even the greatest have more to learn.
  2. I came to karate pretty late in life. I began last September at the age of 43. This is after a lifetime (to date) that was spent sitting at a desk during the day, eating junk food, drinking to excess and otherwise living a sedimentary lifestyle. I have been prescribed medication for hypertension but refused to stick with it, even after being lectured by my physician on the importance of taking it. The same goes for cholesterol. I had a high triglyceride count and was prescribe medication for that. At one point I was also told that a quarter of my liver was not functioning and I have the lab results to prove it! In the last 6 months I have made such a dramatic lifestyle change that my doctor couldn’t believe my results when I came in for my regular check-up. I have lost 25 pounds and am still working on losing more. That’s down to 190 from 215. Without medication my triglyceride levels are now in the healthy range, along with my good and bad cholesterol levels. My blood pressure is now more consistently at a normal range too, and that is also without medication. Liver functioning is good now too. I don’t attribute this to karate, or at least not entirely. It is the result of severely reducing alcohol intake, better dieting and aggressive exercising. But when my health started to improve, I somehow acquired an interest in taking karate lessons. Or maybe I decided to act on an interest that was always there. One of the first things I think most new students immediately ask is, “how long does it take to get a black belt?” I was no exception to this but I have realized that I am now in this for the long haul. I feel as if I have awakened from a bad dream of a life lived wrong, and have a new zest to make up for that. At this point I know my goal for karate is not to attain a black belt; that is just one step along the way. My goal is to attain an expert level of practice. Assume we agree with the generally accepted principle that it requires 10,000 hours of performing any given activity to attain an expert level of proficiency at it. This does not equate to mastery. I don’t have the time left in my life that it would require to achieve that. For most nonprofessionals I think it would be generous to allow for 20 hours a week of practice, or 1,000 hours per year. At this pace it would take 10 years to attain an expert level. So, in fact, one must hold a black belt for far longer than it takes to become an expert. What constitutes devoted practice? Does weight training or running count? Both will compliment and improve one’s martial arts ability by improving strength, power, speed, and endurance. Or must this practice be restricted to strikes, blocks, kicks, kata, footwork, etc. to contribute to the pursuit of expertise? As previously mentioned, I believe 20 hours per week is a generous program of practice for someone who is not pursuing a career in a given activity. I personally fall short of that, even if supplemental training is allowed to be considered in the equation. Currently I spend 2 hours per week in class time, and no less than an hour a day (but let’s call it an hour) of karate specific practice such as kata or working out with my B.O.B. or other similar exercises. In addition I weight train 3 days a week for an hour each session and I power walk at least 3 hours each week. This amounts to 9 hours of karate specific and 6 hours of additional training. I suppose I could further reduce the “supplemental” training to make more time for karate specific training, but in fact I already did that when I added karate in the first place. I have specific goals I am working towards in weight training too, and eventually in endurance training. It will be a long road ahead, and for me a goal such as this must remain secondary to remaining a good companion to my wife. That is my most important focus, no matter what. She always lived a more healthy lifestyle than I did, but at least I was always a good companion to her and I don’t want that to suffer as a result of my new interests. Many of you here are probably at an expert level of practice, as defined above. So what do you think? (experts and nonexperts alike) First of all, do you even agree with the definition? Do you think supplemental training should be considered to count towards that goal? What level importance did you (or do you) place on achieving this goal? Above your marriage? Above your job? Thank you for your thoughts.
  3. Without being able to know your exact thoughts inside your head, it sounds to me as if your issue is about confidence as much as anything else. You probably go to class and train a few times a week, and feel that kata is not going to prepare you for the real world. But are you doing anything for yourself BESIDES classroom training? And I don't mean kata practice at home. You should also be training to be physically fit. How many chin-ups can you do? How often do you do them? Any weight training? Do you speed walk or run? Every time I work out I consider myself to be "doing karate", because I believe my karate will benefit from it. If you are in good physical condition you can stand up to a punch or kick better, and you can also throw that punch or kick better too. Secondly, how often do you train with a heavy bag? (Bruce Lee did a lot of that!) If the only access you have to one is in your class, get one for your home. Throwing air punches is not going to give you a feel for what landing a punch feels like. My last thought, the fact that you are training at all gives you more of an advantage than most other people you may be likely to get in a fight with? How many "regular Joe's" throw hundreds of punches every week when they are not actively involved in mugging someone? I'd guess, not too many. But you do! If you are physically fit, you will gain confidence to withstand a hit. With your practice, you will know how to hit and what it feels like to land the punch or kick or elbow or whatever.
  4. Hello, I'm new to the forum and have been reading for about a week or so. I really like the forum. I am a new student, training in Wado_Ryu. Over 20 years ago I also took Kenpo and Tai Kwan Do. But I pretty much consider myself to be an untrained beginner. I am wanting to purchase a speed bag for my home, and will probably do so regardless to the answer to my question - simply because I want it anyway. But...do you feel there is any benefit to your training to be gained from the use of a speed bag? I am curious to read your thoughts. Osu!
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