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Orange Belt

Orange Belt (3/10)



  1. i couldnt agree more,i hope one day i will get to compete in knockdown karate there are still good figthers with a karate backround in mma(like gsp,lyoto machida e.t.c),but whe dont see karate being that used,even too its proven it can be very effective
  2. i wasnt trying to be rude if thats what you meant,i was just curious really i was just curious,since it isnt a usual thing around here,and the whole deal,with kids having a bb is a touchy subject,but i am not trying to change the topic of the thread thanks for the answer,cheers
  3. some of the videos,of karatecas breaking layers of ice with their elbows,is a pretty amazing feat trough i saw a video,i think of mas oyama,breaking a huge layer of ice,it was amazing for shure i never understood,how he did choop the tip of the beer bootle trough,it seemed like a knife cutting butter
  4. whats a kids black belt testing? i never understood that,what do you do when they are older,do they just keep the black belt,and go for 2 dan,3 dan e.t.c,or move to the same ranks of adults? i know this has nothing to do with the thread,but i never really understood that,it is pretty rare here to give 1dan to kids,and i am curious i think in my style,whe only get to break boards on the higher ranks,has a demostration thanks
  5. thats nice,i saw some old videos of mas oyama karate camp here it is i wish i knowed were part 1 is trough there are a lot of good videos in yotube of old kyokushin karatecas training,and showing clips from the old times,some of them are something else for shure enjoy man,cheers
  6. yeah,whe already trained it a few times in class"A few times" isn't "many". By "many" i'm thinking "Oh yeah, a couple hundred every class". So you'll probably not use one unless a perfect freak opening happens anyways. i agree with everything you said
  7. yeah,thats how i think has well explain your last self defense scenario,did he atack you first? were you able to defend yourself, what tehcniques did you use, and did he ever get the chance to hit you? thanks,cheers
  8. yeah,whe already trained it a few times in class,its goju ryu/shito ryu karate,whe trained high round kicks a few times in drills,he gived me some good pointers,i could see myself perhaps throwing one in a real scenario,but only with at least a couple more years of training for shure
  9. pretty good video imo i taught some of you guys would be interested anyway cheers
  10. you are making me sound like i am talking trash about head kicks,that isnt true,they have their place i understand that,i am just wondering their use in self defense scnearios,this and other tipe of strikes,thats why i am looking for opinions here,thats it anyway cheers
  11. when did i say that those tehcniques are useless or are junk?,and when did i also say that i knew more then my sensei? all i was asking was for some opinions,i never said they dont work,it just seems to me,that even too,you will obviously just do what you have practised in a real fight(like you said),head kicks,can put you in a bad situation if you dont do them right,and since there are saffer tehcniques out there,it just made me question and look for some views on its use thats why i am asking opinions,on its use in real scenarios,thats all
  12. dude what? i dont get what you are saying,try explaining yourself better if you dont mind
  13. i get it,i just wonder if a guy like mirko cro crop wanted to head kick some random thug in the streets,he could easly do it,it just makes wonder that this thecnique should only be used in real scnearios by people who are really good at it,not an average martial artists
  14. yeah i also think like that,head kicks dont seem to be very pratical in real scenarios,but would you use low kicks(low round kicks) to the tigh or the inside of the leg? side kick seems pretty decent,it could problably work well if it was used to the stomach area,or knees but yeah,that was what i was thinking,even too head kicks are comon in combat sports like mma,k1 and full contact karate tournaments,unless you are very skilled it wouldnt be a good option to throw one
  15. i understand what you are saying i was tryng to say that if someone comes at you by complete suprise,you will problably wont use head kicks,know what i mean?its like if you are atacked by complete suprise,heads kicks would problably be something you wouldnt use,since you dont even have time to think it trough
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