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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Kenpo, JuJitsu

Bentonh84's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Kenpo ben
  2. I'm very proud to say I have. I have never picked a fight using my training though. Always in self defense or in defense of others. And yes, it's worked many times but it has also failed me. It's not the art itself at the end of a fight that keeps me standing more so myself and the credibility of my opponent. ben
  3. Well I think Kirves really summed it up. Took the words from out of my mouth. But I am totally oblivious to "American" Kenpo. I studied Kenpo from and early age. But i guess you learn something knew everyday. I think you are making a wise choice in choosing kenpo; but I think that you may want to look into grappling. I say that because you mentioned you are both stong and quick, these attriubtes are deadly while on your feet and superior when it gets to ground work. good luck! ben
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