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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Wing Chun,Escrima
  • Location
  • Interests
    martial arts. permaculture
  • Occupation
    civil servant

Jorvik's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Understanding the origins of an art can be very difficult, even a kata, and the problem is that a kata is like a notebook, even when done well it is not like fighting. I study Chinese boxing now, Wing chun, and there are various styles in wing Chun , With kata done with the same moves appearing in different places within the kata with things added or things taken away, but essentially the art remains what it is and there are soft ways of doing things and hard ways of doing things. Also another thing to consider is culture, when you see very heavily Chinese influenced karate styles such as Uechi and Goju.how much of what they do is traditional Chinese or traditional Okinawan. The idea of Kihon,kata and kumite is a very good one..in my book Kihon comes first then kumite..and then kata, always start with the basics and outside your comfort zone.but I think it is the Okinawans more than the chinese who developed this idea.but there are many meetings of minds........usually in old okinawa only a couple of Kata would be taught or trained or practiced and this was the way in China also..however later this gave way to other thoughts and many kata where practiced.lots to consider and talk about..my personal practise involves all three aspects and other stuff hoju undo, meditation.hard to fit it all in.but I try
  2. Yes it is a complex subject, very complex..real world violence and it's resolution can be dealt with by kata or forms.but then again some forms aren't about that, they are about getting more pupils.I've thought about this for many years.....and I've trained for over 40 of them, a lot of what is true cannot be simply expressed on a forum, folks have different ideas ,agendas and experiences......but at the end of the day we are resonsible for our selves and we can protect our loved ones and ourselves and we can do this by a true understanding
  3. great stuff, it's nice to see little known variants of WC....I'd love to see how applications change in this style as compared to say Yip man lineage. I love all the lineages, and I don't make judgement calls on any of them.very cool vids
  4. I'm a newb here, but I will say that karate and other MA's have suffered because they do not explain themselves enough to a modern mind. Young people now view things with fresh eyes, I see this with my sons, they laugh at forms , but do not laugh at boxing or weight lifting ....I can see the value of such things but they can't.but then again I don't see martial arts as fighting solely I think there is more than that, and equally I don't see that MMA etc are really about fighting either, although the youngsters think they are.it's a difficut situation to resolve.but if you are like me then you' ll carry on as you have before because you may nevere get to your destination but the journey is such fun
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