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Everything posted by emerica1184

  1. First of all, you most certainly are grappling with people quite often in karate--what else do you think you are pulling your hand back to your hip for, and what exactly do you think your other hand is doing when one of them is striking or blocking with your knife hand, for example? In addition, strong muscles, ligaments and tendons in the hands will help prevent injuries while striking because those are the things holding your bones in place when you punch. I must of overlooked all that hah thanks for the help!
  2. What is the purpose of developing hand/finger strength in karate? It isn't like grappling where you are holding people the whole time so does it help with punches?
  3. Excellent this is exactly what I'm hoping for, i'm ready to put all my energy into it.
  4. Ah, I see now. This is a Shorin Ryu organization. Looks like they write it Shido-kan to differentiate themselves. Shorin Ryu is one of the main Okinawan karate styles and is very interesting and can be quite effective. okay awesome! That is exactly what I was hoping for any pointers for a first timer?
  5. see i've heard that before but idk if thats exactly what this is. https://www.msu.edu/~butler/KIN%20102c.pdf that is the link to the course website
  6. I'm starting a shido-kan karate class soon at Mighigan State University and I'm very excited to get started. Does anyone study shido-kan and could tell me how it compares to other styles like shotokan and kyokushin? I have very little knowledge when it comes to how different each style is so any help is appreciated!
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