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Everything posted by difflock

  1. THanks for replying and yes you understoot right littleW....
  2. There is many gr8 replies on this topic tho if you fell like protecting yourself involves self-defence then here is a tip ever watch the new movie of karate kid the part were he has to put hes t-shirt on an off on and off x1000000000 hehe well big guys used to push me around i tried to used that method and it worked (not like on the movies lol) but if they wont stop the make your mesg clear!! good luck.
  3. Bruce lee is atmired as gr8 fighting and self defence he is really a role model for young children who does martial art.gr8 wing chun no doubt.
  4. this is the story:2 of my friends quited karate in grade 5 we are currently in grade 7 now they told me that they skiped white belt they dident get stripes if this is possible does it depeds on your sensay or just you please reply thanks..
  5. thanks guys helped me alot geting my first lesson tomorrow haha im going to put evrything in
  6. hello guys i just joind the forums and i was wondering how long it takes to get black belt from white i am currently in grade 7? thanks.
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