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  • Martial Art(s)
    Kyokushin karate
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UselessDave's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. Well it's just that the right answer doesn't exist. All of these answers that have been given are right, but not complete. And they're contradictory too..
  2. Who has the MOTIVATION to do so? Sure in theory.. but seriously? It's a problem even when you have a good teacher and training partners. One probably ends up like Daniel-san in the first karate kid -movie's beginning.
  3. With that, going to the best instructors and so to learn "the best", is difficult also because some people don't even realize those differences. So many don't know they are in a bad club. Many good dojos are struggling with that same issue. Because of the way that life goes now, no one can really ever be sure weather there'll be anyone training "here" at "some time later". Anyone can quit any time, no matter how far they are. And beginners come and go...
  4. Now that is just very well said. So true.
  5. That's fine. Once a week won't make a difference to speed. That would be when talking about big muscle mass. To the certain level it is only a good thing.
  6. Oh, right, there's that side too. I was thinking about the mental attitude. But that's very true, and to remember to breath right etc.
  7. When you're really really tired while sparring, how do you manage to keep going? There has to be something that keeps your hands up and legs moving when your whole body tells you to give up?
  8. Karate had its time. Why not anymore, exactly? One thing that someone's gonna say would be that people don't have the patience anymore. But some people do. Wonder where dose come such a difference. To me, like for most of you, it's clear that I continue training, and has always been. For some it's just a stupid style, and they can't understand why would anybody think it's any good. Any outlooks?
  9. Of course It Is! That's a great age to start really.
  10. That's very smart, the idea. Does the heart control the mind or does the mind control the heart?? Oh, for a long time I've wanted something very much in life... Have I?
  11. In some kung fu styles they have very little kicks. Although instructor will always affect to these things. I don't see why shouldn't you start it? Give it a try since you're interested. Got nothing to lose??
  12. I wouldn't even want those head punches there. It would make the whole set all different. Then you can't just go. And it becomes more like Muay Thai or kickboxing.
  13. Oh no no no.. That is not the best thing to do. How in the world would a person help that girl to train by giving no opposition at all.
  14. That's really great! I might actually go train judo too if I'd change a style or take up a second one.
  15. Make the training harder as it was before. Not that it would be easy or smt. now, but it's not the same for sure.
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