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Everything posted by ninjacop

  1. I think those that really wanted to do it would still have done it. Look at styles like Wrestling, Boxing, Muay Thai, MMA gyms; no belts there, but they still have many practitioners.
  2. That is correct everyone with few exceptions who made that statement did posses their black belt and a lot of things in life the “view from the top” is always clearer. It’s much like a millionaire trying to explain how money does not mean anything to him. (Rest assured it did when he was not a millionaire) But as I have not attained my black belt yet my view however clear is still just a little clouded by what a black belt represents. I now it’s really the beginning but I still wonder how many of us in this goal oriented world would have started MA if there were no belts?
  3. I have not posted more than one or two line until now so please except my apologies in advance if this post seems a little unrefined) did we forget? Since I have started my martial arts journey 7 years ago I have heard more times than I can count from many of Martial artist with a great deal more experience and much more skills then I that MA is not about the black belt. Even Mr. Miyagi (not sure if I spelt it correctly) from the Karate kid only used his black belt to hold up his paints. There are thousands of comments on the MAF as well alluding to the fact that Martial arts were undertaken for some grand search of enlightenment, self improvement or self defense. I understand that that may be the case for some MA’s but how many I wonder? when I started I did so to earn my Black belt. Not Red, Green, Brown Pink or whatever. I was not looking to find my chi or save the world from the forces of evil, I wanted to become a black belt for no other reason than it has been a dream since childhood. It was not until I started learning and understanding the art that I realized what MA was all about. However In my Do Jo they have the belts all lined up on the wall (as I am sure many do) and on the very top is a black belt. As I progressed I would always think of the Black belt as my goal. It was just recently that I released that achieving the goal of black belt was not the end of the journey but rather a point as to where I needed to set new goals. and that MA is bigger then just any school or any belt. But for me anyway until I made that transformation from Karate School student to Karate practitioner to be honest, I must say it was about the belt. So that brings me this questions, 1. How many of us REALLY started because of the belts but now say “It’s Not about the belt”? Hope I did not offend anyone
  4. To me being an MA is a lot like being a Christian (which I also am) When the topic turns to either Karate or the Bible your friends and coworkers either want to hear more because they are interested or they think you’re nuts and change the subject. I will talk about both if the opportunity arises.
  5. Shizentai That has got to be the most inspiring karate testamonial I have ever heard Sounds like you truly have the MA spirit.
  6. Great article, no matter how long it's been around and what art you pratice. The basic concepts of these three phases still apply to us all. Besides Bruce Lee was the man...
  7. The biggest benefit I found is that when one of us feels like skipping class or just plan calling it quits the other one pushes both of us through it. It goes that way through training at home or school. The funny part is that I could not get my wife to do any type of physicals activity for the first 26 years Of our marriage. Now we are both going to be testing for are black belts this year and she is gun ho. Since starting Karate she now runs, go’s to the gym and more. And on those bad days it is a lot cheaper to dawn the sparring gear then it is for counseling.
  8. My wife and I take Karate together and I have found it awesome to have a wife who doubles as a training partner. The question I have is how many other Karate practitioners train with their significant other? And what are your thoughts on this, Benefit or not? And for those who wonder if it holds anyone back I do not think so she kicks like a mack truck and we go 100% in class and out
  9. I started at 47 felt to old some mornings after but still training next belt is blck belt and holding my own with the youngsters in class. Never say never
  10. Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 10:40 am Post subject: Chun Kuk Do --------I will apologize in advance if the question has already been put out their. I’ve read a lot posts on many forums but have not found anyone who is studying my style. So the question I have is, Are there any Chun Kuk Do Karate Practiceners out threr if so then where and how is your training coming along? It's time we get on the map sort of speak... I am studing at club Karate, Lady's Island SC under Master Ellis
  11. Chun Kuk Do 1st degree red 2 or 3 class's at school and 3 at home practices/ week
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