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Everything posted by Tigglet

  1. Tigglet

    I feel bad

    In that case you need to figure out how to train with children without knocking hell out of them - on reflection it may be that she's trying to teach you some control. Is purple the next logical belt for you in your system or would you be missing one or two - there are three in my association between orange and purple.
  2. Tigglet

    I feel bad

    Sorry, I don't know what happened by my previous post but I didn't intend for it to appear 3 times.
  3. Tigglet

    I feel bad

    I agree with all you say when training with adults, they're responsible for themselves and able to make decisions about the level of risk they expose themselves to when deciding not to follow instructions. This however, was a 10 year old child, I can't think of any circumstances in which I'd go for a KO with a child or add more power - adult to child sparring/drilling is I think a different ball game all together. I don't think a child has ever been asked to hold a bag for an adult in our dojo because bag work for us is all about getting power into technique and even if this child did hold the bag correctly the power from the adult would knock them halfway across the room.
  4. Tigglet

    I feel bad

    I agree with all you say when training with adults, they're responsible for themselves and able to make decisions about the level of risk they expose themselves to when deciding not to follow instructions. This however, was a 10 year old child, I can't think of any circumstances in which I'd go for a KO with a child or add more power - adult to child sparring/drilling is I think a different ball game all together. I don't think a child has ever been asked to hold a bag for an adult in our dojo because bag work for us is all about getting power into technique and even if this child did hold the bag correctly the power from the adult would knock them halfway across the room.
  5. Tigglet

    I feel bad

    I agree with all you say when training with adults, they're responsible for themselves and able to make decisions about the level of risk they expose themselves to when deciding not to follow instructions. This however, was a 10 year old child, I can't think of any circumstances in which I'd go for a KO with a child or add more power - adult to child sparring/drilling is I think a different ball game all together. I don't think a child has ever been asked to hold a bag for an adult because bag work for us is all about getting power into technique and even if this child did hold the bag correctly the power from the adult would knock them halfway across the room.
  6. Tigglet

    I feel bad

    It's good that you're training with more senior grades, you should see your skill level improve and hopefully as you see them work to bring you on you'll get a sense of how to bring on other less skilled, focused or disciplined people in your club. Something to consider in your interaction with the 10 year old, you say that your sensei has you do kumite with a more senior grade who stands on your feet and hurts you and you're clear about the impact it has on your training. I wonder if the child you were kicking possibly feels the same way about having to train with you each week particularly given you've posted twice now about them having a hard time at your hands. I'm not sure I would have continued with a drill 5 times knowing there was a good chance the child would move the pad away and certainly not if I'd already kicked him in the face once or twice. It's not your job to put him in his place, teach him a lesson or manage his behaviour, that's your sensei's job. We have some fairly strapping kids in our club, 12/13 year olds taller than me and in some cases pretty strong, but they're still kids and I wouldn't dream of sparring with them the way I would a peer. The thing is as an orange belt, you're still a fairly junior grade yourself, even if you are, understandably, more skilled than the child. If you can't work with this him without hurting him perhaps you need to speak to your sensei about developing control or changing partners.
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