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Fudoshin_Ryu's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. Good view points from all. But, if you were the head of a school/owner would you consider giving them out? And if so, why? Or for what Causes? Other then being beneficial for publicity I don't really see a real need to make one, I could just as easily give out appreciation certs. they do provide a nice novelty (honorary black belts). And would you just stop with a certificate saying honorary black belt, or do you go ahead and hand them a black belt too?
  2. I was on Martial Talk yesterday and I seen a thread entitled the same as my own, That person was asking for wording on a certificate to give an honorary black belt, to the mayor, governor and some other people...I forget the full story, but this got me thinking back when Obama got his Honorary black belt in Tae Kwon Do from the Kukkiwon just because he had a bit of prior experience (green belt I believe). I thought that, that was wrong for the kukkiwon to give out a black belt just because of someone's stature. In my opinion I believe a certificate of appreciation is just as well if you're trying to award someone's help. I personally don't think a Honorary Black Belt exists... Do any of you? There has probably been a discussion on this before, but I haven't been able to find it and I figured maybe an updated topic would be nice to see if anyone's views have changed. Hope to hear from you all soon!
  3. Being Goju Ryu we do three Kata's with Dynamic Tension. Sanchin and Tensho, and not to mention we also dabble in Uechi Ryu Sanchin also. And the last one being Suparunpei where mostly the beginning is done dynamically and a little bit towards the end...but once while I was in Okinawa for a seminar I did witness an older sensei which I won't name. Had a small accident. It wasn't a pretty sight for all the Americans, but the rest of the Okinawan's just shrugged it off as a 'it happens to everyone once' sort of deal. Thanks! I will definitely look forward to incorporating that more. It helps asking other practitioners what might be missing from a mental aspect because a lot of Chinese practitioners usually just say "add to it yourself and give it your own 'flair' " and I'm left like >< So thanks again.
  4. Yes, I do think I need to relax a bit more and 'think' less about what I'm doing! thanks again! Yes, my posture was weak and as a result my balance wasn't as well as it should have been either! Thanks for pointing it out for me! I don't remember if I was breathing or not during the tension, but it was indeed intentional, good eye! I will have to stop myself and check next time to see if I was holding my breath or not! Thanks for the tip! I will work on Kime as well! I'm aware of it from the Okinawan Karate, but I never thought to try and use it in the CMA's, but I will experiment around with it thanks and I do hope to see more of your comments on my upcoming videos as well! Here is my latest training video! Thanks for watching in advance! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63NMHcfmLBg&feature=plcp
  5. Here's a personal training video of my Baji Xiao Jia training...please check it out and let me know what you think about my movements...stances or strikes! Thanks in advance! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VhNbigpSM5w&feature=plcp
  6. Someone once told me suparunpei was half internal also since its based off the core of sanchin.. And I do have to believe in that.
  7. Haha it was silly of me to assume you were! I should have had a more open mind! What style(s) do you do?
  8. Everyone has wonderful points and im enjoying reading this (immensely). But...I have yet another perspective and question lingering within my head. Say...you get Menkyo Kaiden or its equivalent (teaching certificate) and you go out to teach, but for some odd reason you have to move say...from Georgia, USA...to lets just say a random place in Canada, this would cut down the time you have to train with your teacher and peers...so...your technique will eventually alter to the way your body naturally wants to do this, and I have seen this happen, and I have also witnessed it happen to my own body, please also note I am not asking if this ever happened to you, or if this happens to 'good' or 'great' martial artists...I am simply asking if this is an acceptable form of altering the kata, and if it's right...and how would one really know if this is happening to them, unless someone points it out., And how can one stray from allowing it to happen?
  9. I like to use Nike Boom when I am in close quarters to a dead line. You can post it to a forum, or a social net work, and when ever the thread or status gets replies, comments or 'likes' you get a motivational message through your head phones.
  10. I got your email, and I still don't know what to think about the kata. I have never in my life ever seen anything similar to it. It has elements of shotokan kata as well as some shito ryu kata, primarily Juroku (in terms of the 'checks') I would say most of the influence is from Shuri, but I am still perplexed to it. Perhaps it's a localized ryu-gata (School form). Does your teacher offer any information on it's history? Because now I'm pretty interested in it too LOL
  11. I can see what you are saying here, and I don't disagree. But many people are goal oriented, and when there are visible, set goals they can see, and know what they need to do to achieve it (objectives), it helps with motivation. I would just mention that this is the other side of the belt systems. That's very true and agreeable. ``````````````````````````````````` So how many people here think that a 'shorter' ranking system would damage their commerce?
  12. Don't forget Funakoshi changed things from the way Itosu taught him. Things change with time, martial arts itself can be broken down to Classical, Traditional and Modern in terms of era. But things change, for the times, for the people. Karate had to change for the musculature of westerners and not stocky 'farm' built Okinawans...
  13. Shito Ryu is sort of like a blend of Shotokan, Goju Ryu, Uechi Ryu etc. Kenwa Mabuni took principle from his friends, ans people he trained with. He trained with Chojun Miyage, founder of Goju Ryu. Kanbun Uechi, founder of Uechi Ryu, Ankoh Itosu, etc etc. But Mabuni used his own demeanor in most of his forms, and not the usual ones.
  14. I have never ever taken a Wado class in my life, however my friend in New Hampshire studies Wado-Ryu. From what he throws my way I can see a blend of Shotokan and Shito Ryu, kata wise, I would say it's closer related to Shito Ryu seeing as how the Suparunpei they use is more Shito style than Goju Ryu, but I know a lot more Shotokan people are calling Suparunpei, Hyaku hachi ho, some say Funakoshi coined it as this, however I am reluctant to say if he did or not. But I would say it seems like a reasonable blend of both Shito Ryu and Shotokan.
  15. If your looking for something that utilizes both a soft and hard principle to its style, I would definitely go with Goju Ryu. Kyokushin does have quite a bit grappling in it as well, but the same with Goju Ryu as well. Many goju ryu techniques within the kata are disguised, but they are actually grappling techniques. Although with Kyokushin you will do a good amount of kicking, which is contrary to Goju Ryu.
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