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Everything posted by SMURFY

  1. Sensei Kellam, Could you please tell me how much the Meijin uniform shrinks? Or more specifically, if you know the answer, how much would the meijin tropical shrink? Thanks
  2. you can also try https://www.thebudostore.com. They offer whole sale prices for great brands such as Adidas. The wholesale cost is roughly $20 I think for a beginner Adidas uniform. I recommend that you ask for Miguel. He's very helpful.
  3. @senseikellam I was wondering, to take shrinking into consideration how many sizes up should I go in a meijin gi so that the gi will shrink into the size i want?
  4. So here's a video of Matsuhisa from the JKF fighting some poor sucker. I'm wondering, where can I find a gi with smaller circumference sleeves? I've looked at KI International, Tokon, Tokaido, and Arawaza. A lot of their uniforms have sleeves that could be used to smuggle illegal immigrants. I don't want something as tightly fitted as the gi in that video, but I don't like large sleeves like the KI mugen uniforms or the Tokon Europa. Anybody know what sort of karate gi would not have large sleeves?
  5. What about the Shureido New Wave - 1 (NW1) ? I haven't worn it, but I've seen other competitors with it. It seems very light, but surprisingly has good snap to it as well.
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