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brickman's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. Both Jesse Owens and Joe Louis should be atop that list. They both gave the United States a morale boost when it was drastically needed. They earned no money, gave none to a charity, but what they did helped a nation in its time of need. Also, it is little known or noted that Owens did not want to run on the winning relay team (he preferred one of his Jewish teammates do it) but was told to shut up and do what he was told. I find it refreshing that a man with very few rights in his own country was willing to do what was right for another man.
  2. LOL... this is becoming quite funny. And at the same time pathetic. You have used a big two word attack on me...in Latin nonetheless....that must mean you have something really big to go on....how very nice for you. Let me see...ad hominem....means something like this (but you will have to forgive me, since I have a very simple * in Education....so I cant use big words as eloquently as you)....I am using an emotional "attack" instead of an intellectual one....I believe I have stated for the FOURTH time now that the only reason I said he should retire is because of the concussions. Where is the emotion and lack of logic? Childish....hmm I guess using fact is indeed childish and I do apologize and do so hope I can be forgiven for putting forth my OPINION.
  3. I agree with the Shorin-ryu posters. Why train a certain way if you are not going to use it?
  4. I am sure you mean your score with John was 0-3. You make it sound like it is mean of someone to say he should retire....that is not the case here....again....you must not understand much about concussions....if you continually get them they magnify. Each time you get hit in the head makes it more likely the damage sustained will be greater than the last. That is why I said I THOUGHT he should have retired a few years ago...for John's well being (again that is because I like him as a person, but I am not his mother). I have not once implied that John is not a good fighter....he has become very very good over the years. I would like him to be able to enjoy getting older though...
  5. I dont recall ever saying John was not a good fighter......my point was simply this..a person can only take a few grade 2 or 3 concussions before it begins affecting them..some former football players come to mind..Andre Rison being one. I was at the nationals last year also...watched all the fights...John did pretty well there...as far as George....that only goes to show how hard competing at that level really is. In any case both of them are superb fighters and deserve recognition for that..... three questions for you zakariru: 1. What does couple times a year mean? Their seminars? 2. What was the score of your first round match with John? 3. Was that a laugh at my post? I dont think that is very nice...
  6. I believe John Fonseca and Shannon Nishi also both got 3rd's.....last years world champ George Kotaka (sp) lost in the 3rd round. Really happy for John whom I thought should have retired a few years ago...too many shots to the head...but a nice guy. Shannon is like a little waterbug...great little fighter.
  7. ok...if you were to put a laserlight on the knot of your belt when you punch would it make an arc across the room when you punched? Have you seen karate kid II?? When they are fighting at the end? Something like that.....I realize it is Holywood...but maybe that helps explain my meaning.
  8. some good posts so far....didnt expect so many replies. Now...how about that tension??? Are you really really tense when you hit? Give me a number like 1-100....100 being as tense as you can possibly make your body. Also, with one exception....does your hip make an arc? like the Karate Kid II thing?
  9. Shorinryu, I think at least WE are on the same page. Thanks for answering the last question anyway...lol. That was more of wondering where others are coming from, but I agree with you 100%. LOL great minds.....
  10. I am finding with each reply I write that it is very hard to get a clear picture of what people mean. It is very difficult to vividly describe what one is actually trying to get across with such technical applications. With that in mind, can anyone describe to me what they mean when they say they hit with their hips. I mean what is the action of the hips when YOU hit? Also...how do you punch? what is the way you hold your hand, etc. I ask this only because of a few questions from other topics. I would like clarification....thanks in advance.
  11. I respectfully disagree....I refer to the other Shorinryu post above about biomechanics....I will agree about different practioners, but alot of that has to do with who trained them.
  12. Shorinryu sensei has hit it really well....I think the main difference is the application side of technique. I may go to his dojo, even though we are the same basic style, and do a technique completely different than he does. Again it is the idea of intended application.....that is where you get into different makes and models. I have seen guys who claim to be the same system as I am in, and not be able to do much more than the basics....why? Because their sensei never was able to grasp the concept of the application. That is very different and dangerous...much like driving an old Pinto or Nova...lol. True, you will walk into a dojo and see kicks and stuff, but if you look closely you will see some difference...I think that is where some of you are coming from?? If you go from one to the other the change in basics would be easy if you had a general grasp? Is that the idea?
  13. Killer I was thinking of that with Okinawan...but if you pronounce it your way.....you get two "wh" sounds. but I like the oon part....like I said, that is harder than it looks.
  14. you want those two words?? just in English? Shotokan Show toe khan Okinawan oak in ah win Lol that is harder than it looks....
  15. As far as punches go.....I have taken basically three different styles of karate in almost 19 years. Those styles are Shotokan, Shito-ryu and Shorin-ryu. Shito-ryu was taught to me by a 6th degree here in the states who is Japanese and is pretty good. He hated me so whenever he felt the need to demonstrate a punch he would use me and hit me very hard....it hurt more than the previous Shotokan guy. BUT....when I started training with Shorin-ryu.....WOW. You have never experienced a punch like this Okinawan guy can give you. He has explained to many people over the years what Shotokan does "wrong" and punching is one of the concepts....see Shorin's point above about energy and biomechanics. Also, as he stated above there are many angles you can hit the human body...and according to the Shorin-ryu "mantra" none of them consist of a corkscrew effect....it is not the turning of the punch that causes pain as much as the amount of energy you create when you hit...again refer to Shorin's very long and well written post. Have any of you ever hit the Makiwara as hard as you can with the full "corkscrew" punch? I am not saying every punch we throw in Shorin-ryu is 3/4 or less....but we only throw the full punch when we teach beginners so they dont hurt each other.
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