We'll generally pick a focus for each class post warmup - so it'll look something like this Opening ceremony Warmups - We'll do a main focus - for example, we'll do mainly core one class, with a lighter focus on the rest, and switch next class. It'll start with some light jogging and a light stretch, then move into the rest. (planks, crunches, held pushups, squats, lunges, suicides/sprints, running, mountain climbers), then move into a second stretch. Kihon (standing and moving) - We have dedicated Kihon classes as well, so we always start with this to work up to the next segment of training... Unless someone messes up . Then we really hammer it. Kumite (Ippon, Sanbon, and Jyu). We have dedicated Kumite classes as well. We'll do competition time to keep it organized. Kata. Closing ceremony Like I said, it varies based on what we need to work on and how Sensei wants to focus our time. That's just a basic overview, but we'll have classes that are highly focused on bunkai as well, and counters, stance work (static holding), parries and footwork, chain attacks/combinations, breakfalling, body toughening, moving basics, etc. It's a lot to fit in, and each class is only an hour and a half or so, but we work on a focus point each class so we don't have to cut quality based on time.