I'm not a student of karate, but I enjoy martial arts very much. Particularly the kicks. Problem is, normal pants aren't made to withstand wide or forceful kicks, and end up ripping in the crotch area over time. I've lost 3 pairs already over the last few months. Now why don't I just go and buy a karate gi, and problem solved? Well, they don't have pockets. I often go places, and need my wallet and keys, etc., and 'practice' martial forms on-the-go. It's part of the appeal, for me, that I can go anywhere, or be anywhere, and use my body the way I want to, without needing to go home and change to protect my clothes. The pants are so comfortable, I'd have no qualms wearing them everyday, if they could just hold a few objects. Are there gi pants that have been made for pockets for reasons like I've stated? I browsed briefly on google, but there are SO many karate gear sites, and some of them look unprofessional. There was a site that had gi pants with cargo pockets on the sides(which would have been perfect!), but there's no details, or a review, or anything to let me know if they're what I'm after. So, does anyone know if pants like these are made? And if it's from somewhere reputable? THank you