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Everything posted by SensiBasha

  1. Well I ended up stopping when we got to learn the sai katas. We started to focus more on international competition. What are the weapons and katas that come after the bo katas and tonfa katas?
  2. Here's where mty knowledge ends and I hope one of yours can help. IKO stands for International Karate (kyokushin) organisation. When Mas Oyama died the organisation was split up into 2 original groups. Midouri and some other guy. (not sure of name. They had conflicting issues and so forth. Where I get lost is the difference between 1 2 &3
  3. 1. Do you use protective gear? If so what? During Regular Classes (belts orange and up) We use protective gear. A helmet, Gloves and Foot Pads. Usuallt Hugo Sport or Iceman. The thichkess diminishes with the higher grade level. During the Brown and black belt classes the use of equpiment is rare during sparring. 2. How hard contact do you use? Do you KO each other often? Injuries? Contact in the dojo is usually 40% in semi-contact fighting and close to 75% during full contact practise. I've yet to see a ko during sparring but I have witnessed 1 or 2 injuries. 3. What rules do you use? Punch the face? Groin? Grabbing? Wrestling? Submissions? No wrestling or submission moves. All of the body is a target with the exception of the back. No punches to the face. Leg sweeps and kicks to front or side of the face are permitted. 4. Don't forget to mention your style! Kyokushinkai Karate
  4. My Shian used to teach an okinawan weapons art caklled Kouboudo, it uses the tonfas, sais , kamas, bo, and nunchukus. It followed much of the same katas as Kyokushin but with some slight alterations. Has anyone out there ever taken part in this form?
  5. I have recently recieved my Shodan in Kyokushinkai karate.
  6. Osu I am new atthese Boards and I thought that this would be a great place to start an new topic. Eventhough I have been in Kyokshinkai karate for 7 years now, I still cannot comprehend the difference between Iko 1 2 &3. If anyone out there can help me on my quest it would be greatly Appriciated
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