I'm telling my story here, and I'd like to know your opinion on if I made the right move, what your general reaction is, any experience you have that's similar... I quit practicing Seidokan Karate in January of this year (2011.) I had a 2nd Degree Brown Belt, and I'm 18, almost 19 now. I quit because I was very discouraged at the way I wasn't making any progress anymore. I have fallen arches on my feet, always have. It's meant as a kid I could never run as fast as everyone else, in swimming I can't dive right, and even now I'm not a good a runner as I would be without the stupid weak foot muscles. Doing Karate barefoot from 6th grade to senior year of high school (when I quit) I'm sure did help my arch support, by building up the muscle there. I was doing very well in Kata, weapons, sparring, in terms of that I was improving steadily and proud of my ability. Objectively, I earned all my promotions to that point definitely. Then I foolishly got shoe inserts, and things went downhill from there. My feet rapidly weakened from daily shoe-wear. This extremely hurt my kicks; I couldn't balance properly, especially on sidekicks. I was faced with the choice of kicking comfortably, and having no power, or kicking hard like I used to and stumbling uncontrollably. My stances suffered as well, like they had when I first started training. I couldn't kick confidentially or well high or hard anymore, it was all very humiliating and depressing. I tried wearing shoes during training and it didn't help either. I stopped going to the Dojo and I quit. I've sworn now, finally, to never put myself through this kind of suffering again by ever taking up another martial art. I'm simply not built for them...