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  • Martial Art(s)
    Judo, BJJ, MMA, Shootfighting, Karate
  • Interests

lparnes's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. If you can take a punch, why does it matter if you get hit first?
  2. John Cena, never gives up, will get hit 100 times and get up and say "is that all you got?" So he might do descent in a fight because of his work ethic.
  3. 1. Why did you? Felt everystyle is missing something. EX; Judo missing ground game, BJJ missing standup and leg locks, Karate, muay thai, and boxing missing grappling. 2. The you teach the same thing you learn'd in your other stlye? yes only it combines BJJ, Judo, wrestling, and Shootfighting. 3. What makes your stlye diffrent from the other? Contains moves from every form of grappling. Ex; wrestling, shootifghting, bjj, judo.
  4. Board breaking was started in Tae Kwon Do, it was actually shindles used at first. TKd needed something to be different than any other style, so it incorperated boards. People where fasinate in it and it then was put into karate and other martial arts.
  5. Kicking under water or with band is this best I think.
  6. I would love a game like that lol, only fighting game like that is wii sports boxing, like people said.
  7. Be nice and respectful, no one will want to fight you.
  8. Kung fu is from china and some forms teaches weapon use.
  9. I have to go with lockflow.com this website has videos that go over drills, striking, grappling, and gi.
  10. This would never happen lol zombies aren't even real lol.
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