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Batoru's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)



  1. Thanks, we have been doing work with irimi and kuzushi recently and this may be what the moves are there to demonstrate and practice. I will give that some time this evening. Thanks again Batoru
  2. I have never heard of it being an arm bar in the dark or anything along those lines either having trained with notable sensei also but was just looking for potential explanations to discuss tomorrow as none of us had ever had an explanation. All of the senior students were tasked with looking at potential kaisetsu and we are going through it so I will report on Friday. Thanks for the link, have not had time to look through yet (lunchtime at work) but will this evening. Yoshi and Peter Suzuki are affiliated with the DOK group, Dave Honey runs the Droitwich branch, Yoshi runs another in the Midlands somewhere (not sure where but I will find out) and they have another club also. We are not part of the group but follow the same syllabus etc. I have not met wither Peter and Yoshi myself but my sensei has and sensei Martin speaks very highly of both of them.
  3. Sojobo, Firstly, I understand what you mean regarding Bunkai, we only do look at the different applications that could be applied to techniques within the constraints of the kata / specific movement. Miss quotation on my part, apologies. I train with JNK (Jiyou Na Kokoro Karate Ryu) in the Midlands under the instruction of Sensei Rob Fernyhough and we are privileged to have Sensei Phil Martin as our Chief Instructor who has developed our understanding of Wado and Karate in general. Where do you train / teach yourself?
  4. Thanks all for your responses, we do a lot of bunkai and application work with kata and agree that they are a 'practical textbook' of sorts but we could not understand why, when the rest of the kata is done quickly, these moves were done slowly and quite precisely (changing of angles, looking in the opposite direction etc). I like the theory that it could be either done in the dark, a slow arm lock etc and it could also be to show the technique and practice it slowly to perfect the action. I am training with my senior sensei on Thursday and will discuss and come back to the thread. Thanks again.
  5. Hi all, I am a Wado practitioner and, while practicing Bassai yesterday, the question was asked why the last shuto moves were performed slowly. We could not come up with a credable reason and I was hoping for input from the forum as to why this might be. Thanks
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