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Imteaz Ahmed

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Personal Information

  • Location
    Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • Interests
    Karate, electronics, music
  • Occupation

Imteaz Ahmed's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. I our region a belt exam is held in every 3 months. If any one can practice sincerely throughout the duration he/she may get the upper belt within every 3 months. Thus, 8Q can be passed within 8x3 = 24months. I think this is the lowest time for achieving a black belt, though it very tough to pass exams of higher belts.
  2. I am a busy person so I cannot spend too much time in karate class and have to practice in my won. So I follow some video clips to practice some movements and katas. I think these are very helpful for me. Additionally books may help to improve theoretical knowledge about karate. But I don't believe books can improve anyone's skill improvement.
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