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Orange Belt (3/10)



  1. The simple fact of the matter is this... 98% of CMA stylist are inapt for various reasons such as... phoney teachers, bogus styles/arts, sorry students that don't train etc...etc...etc... Out of the other 2% only .5% truly train for actual combat and work on all phases of their training including applications. With those odds there's no wonder why CMA has such a bad name. It's not going to change anytime soon either because you have so many teachers out three that have no clue, thus their students have no clue. It's something i as a CMA stylist hate to admit, but it's the truth. jeff:)
  2. I did it for a number of yrs the Southern Tai Tzu's that is ,there is both a northern and southern as well as many varints. If it's a legit school ,it's a great style. jeff:)
  3. Why aren't you training with the Yee's ,if Hung Gar is what you want? I can prolly help you with a Hung Gar sifu ,i started to train with him myself ,but my plate is full with Black Tiger and Hung Fut. You can either email me or IM me whichever you choose. jeff:)
  4. There are actually a couple of moves that can be considered a Buddha Palm movement. Fut Gar is known as the Buddha Palm style. Palm strikes can be just as deadly as any other type of fist strike. So yes, a palm strike can be very powerful. jeff
  5. Hey SevenStar wassup bro! kungfumaster, What is it you would like to know about Black Tiger? I'll be glad to help you in anyway i can. jeff
  6. Well my point did go off topic but i don't think it was irrelevent to the thread.I only brought up my point because you stated that. Traditional styles especially of chinese origin have been noticeably absent from these events and when ever they show, they lose. I wanted to show that was a flawed statement. Well maybe most people are reluctant to fight under that banner because most CMA people are not interested in UFC/NHB/Pride type events? I mean how many ppl do you see outside of MMA and Bjj circles in the UFC/Pride/NHB? How many Karate,Kung Fu,Taekwondo,Savate'etc.... people do you see in those events? I saw the post as it was written.You need to understand that there is a big misconception going on about kung fu.People that have no clue about kung fu look at statements like that and take them as fact on MA forums.That is why i will always step in to show that it is not fact. Now you may have enough knowledge to know that it's not true.But there are people here that don't.So rather than confuse them with untruths.Why not explain things out fully? Just a thought. jeff
  7. CloudDragon, From your profile i don't see anything to do with Hung Gar or any other Southern China style of kung fu.So why do you feel that the level of difficulty is a 5? searcher, I can say for sure that the form does not focus on acrobatics.There is no flash or show type forms in Hung Gar.Hung Gar is a very applicable no non sense style.If you're looking for something with more acrobatics? I would say look into the Northern Shaolin (Bak Sil Lum) Monkey staff form. I notice that you are a instructor.Are you looking to teach some traditional chinese martial arts weapons forms for tournaments? I've noticed this alot lately.There is nothing wrong with it. I just think that alot of times karate ppl pick the wrong forms to use.While i think the Hung Gar king monkey staff form fits well for karate.You need to understand Hung Gar's theories to properly perform the form. If you're still interested? I have the form on several videos. I could send it to you through instant messenger. In fact here's a look at what a Southern China staff form looks like.This is a Lee Gar staff form.One of four staff forms we have in Black Tiger.In case you're not aware? Black Tiger and Hung Gar are sister styles. http://members.lycos.co.uk/shaolinblacktiger/images/Lee_Gar_Gwun_.wmv Just go to the video section and it's the second video. jeff
  8. Monkey style or Tai Shing Pek Kwar is a very diverse style. Monkey kung fu uses faints and many different monkey characters to fool their opponent.There are different types of monkey.The five types of monkey are tall,stone,wood.iron,and drunken if i remember correctly. Each monkey has it's different fighting concepts.Like stone monkey does alot of groundfighting techniques.So there is alot more that goes into monkey than most people are aware of. Monkey is a very effective style of fighting.The example you used Paulie Zink is not a good example.I don't want to use name but fruad and fake are some of the names used to explain Paulie Zink. I myself use alot of monkey techniques in my personal fighting style. jeff
  9. I actually do have info on them. The video i have is the sifu from that school performing forms.I have about 3 or 4 fist sets and 2 weapons sets from him. jeff
  10. That's the problem with assuming.That's why i stated that there are other styles that have Five Animal forms that are not Shaolin derived.I'm not going to assume that he's talking about Shaolin Five Animals.By looking at the pictures on his site i can tell he's not talking about Shaolin Five animals. My exact words were.Where did you get that garbage? Not everything you said was garbage.There is a difference between the two.When i said people like you i was being general.You know the samething you said you were being in your post? By that i mean i give you proof that what you said was wrong.Instead of admitting you were wrong.You go on to say that all you can come up with is one person? I then stated that all i needed to name was one person to prove you wrong right? Am i wrong or right here? I don't have to give you several names to prove you wrong. It was never meant to be an argument.I was stating that you made a mistake and you took it as an attack. If i misunderstood you? Then i'm sorry!! But i don't see where i misunderstood you.I used your exact quotes. jeff
  11. Well you tell me here is your exact words. Now i underlined your words.That says that Traditional arts especially those of chinese origin rarely show up to these events.And lose whenever they do show up to fight.So i guess you did say that all TCMA stylist lose. I guess you need to make sure you're saying what you're thinking when you type your words. You know i won't even stoop to that level.I did not attack you personally.I only said where did you get that garbage? Meaning that that was not truth about TCMA loosing.I did not say anything about you. You did not see me type anything about Shaolin's five Animals did you? What i said was there are over 1000 different styles of kung fu.It can easily be an animal in another style of kung fu.I don't need anyone to tell me about Shaolin Five Animals seeing that i've studied both Northern and Southern Shaolin styles for the last 18 yrs.In case you were'nt aware my current style is Sil Lum Hak Fu Muhn (Shaolin Black Tiger) a Southern Shaolin style. I also studied Bak Sil Lum (Northern Shaolin Longfist). I've also studied Cheung Kune Pai (Sung Style Southern Lonfist) ~bka~ Tai Tzu's Chang Chuan.So i know in different styles and different ways the five animals are used in other styles. jeff
  12. martialartsresearcher, Jow Gar (Chow Ga) is a great style.If you're interested and have an instant messenger service you use? I can send you some Jow Gar videos so you can see for yourself.They are full forms not short clips.So you'll need to have DSL/Cable/Broadband connection. Dial Up will take too long to transfer to you. Just pm or e-mail me if you want them.Or you can IM me at jmd16101@aol or jmd161@MSN or jmd161@yahoo jeff
  13. HA HA HA HA I love people like you! You claim that all CMA people loose in the UFC. I show otherwise and now you want to say all you can name is one.All i had to name was one to prove you wrong. Right?....... jeff
  14. Sim, You have to understand that there are over 1000 different styles of kung fu.Yes the most common five animals are Tiger,Crane,Snake,Leopard,and Dragon.But it is possiable for Mantis to be one of the five in other styles. In Black Tiger we have Tiger,Crane,Snake,Leopard,Dragon,Monkey,Horse,Elephant,Lion,and Eagle.So it's very easy for another style to have different main animals. jeff
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