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m002's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. The ground fighters wasn't a professional, and he could almost definitely do the same to the world's best Shotokan Karate fighters, this i sjust an example of one particular case. Had it been Kyokushin karate, then the BJJ guy would've had less of a chnce, but would still won I think - Kyokushin guy would be takendown too quickly.
  2. We dont fight till we're really hurt or go around starting fights - that would be good experince, the latter being very dangerous. However that's were the limitations end - fullcontact sparring is done, most moves utilized in both the sports i study (BJJ and an MMA) "Nautral" moves come...nautrally (groin strikes, eye gouges, biting, not that 99% of the martial arts classes in the world actually porperly let u do that anyway.)
  3. you genrall want to stay upright, because you can be pushed over if you lean back to much. Also it is actually as powerful/ more powerful if you stay upright. Not too good to use too often though - easy tostop and in genral doesn't hurt to much - very diffcult to hit with. Such a small surface area to hit and to hit with.
  4. it isn't just the person: If some1 is a good athlete then they may have an advantage - however when they fight, whichever style they do thay'll revert to a specific style (street fighting etc), a kind of universal one or they will fight with what they know but it would be the specific style(s) which are realistic. SO although it's something like 80% the person, 20% the style the style can, and generally is the deciding factor - if it isn't good they'll put themselves at a substantial disadvantage. To make up for a faultly/ineffective/unrealistic style they will revert to a version of a good, effective style but they'll just be unskillful at it. However because they're using an effective style, however bad they're at it, they can still hurt the opponent - the superior strength and/or cardiovascular factors just add to the fighter. The more skilled person, although weaker may still be at a greater advantage if their overall Health isn't much worse. Even if it is alot worse, the skill of the person or fighter may oevrcome sheer atheletisism. Especially if it suprizers the better conditioned person.
  5. it isn't just the person: If some1 is a good athlete then they may have an advantage - however when they fight, whichever style they do thay'll revert to a specific style (street fighting etc), a kind of universal one or they will fight with what they know but it would be the specific style(s) which are realistic. SO although it's something like 80% the person, 20% the style the style can, and generally is the deciding factor - if it isn't good they'll put themselves at a substantial disadvantage. To make up for a faultly/ineffective/unrealistic style they will revert to a version of a good, effective style but they'll just be unskillful at it. However because they're using an effective style, however bad they're at it, they can still hurt the opponent - the superior strength and/or cardiovascular factors just add to the fighter. The more skilled person, although weaker may still be at a greater advantage if their overall Health isn't much worse. Even if it is alot worse, the skill of the person or fighter may oevrcome sheer atheletisism. Especially if it suprizers the better conditioned person.
  6. Rank doesn't matter at all really (except possibly in a select few martial arts) - if you stay dedicated for a few months in say Shootfighting, Boxing , Muayhg Thai or Grappling (do them together even) you should catch up and learn new things fast. Find a gym that does alot of sparring whatever you do. Just my advice
  7. lol so would I. I don't agree that UFC styles would be beaten so easily. They're basically the same "styles" - Submission wrestling, Muay Thai. Still alot of BJJ guys with Muay Thai Or boxing. "Submission Fighter" - UFC isn;t fixed. PFC is generally not fixed if at all (maybe a few at the beggining but not all, and not most.) The fighters now r much better, and could deaft a majority of the fighters in the "no rules event" due to sheer skill and athletisism (have easyily - RGracie vs Sakuraba etc.) Martial Arts, atleast now, are mostly if not all a reinactments of what the old, orginal styles used to be; what they were supposed to be. Any real fighting done within would turn into Boxing, or kickboxing/San Shou. With possibly some Judo thrown in. I know because I;ve done a few of the Tradtional arts, and seen many others (such as Juijitsu, Wing Chun etc.)
  8. BJJ? There are several Kung FU (WC) masters who cross train in BJJ.
  9. Dragon, I agree with fast acting moves, but what happens when the person isn;t standing still, say u miss the groin shot? you miss the eyes or your opponent t moves or struggles out of the way. Say he hits at you first, or when u hit at him he hits back at your groin, or tries to rake your eyes? Say he resists and is throwing pucnhes to your head/trying to throw you about - would a groin or eye strike still be as easy? Hitting to your head: you want to hit back straight away, move or guard/block - groin strikes take more precision , you may have to drop your hands abit, exposing you head. If you eye strike and miss - he might just throw a load of punches at you.
  10. you would be hard-pushed to find fighting of WT, at least not in a sparring mode and not vs other styles.
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