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Everything posted by Kross

  1. Kross

    Sparing Help

    i am a white belt, but i had my yellow belt before i stopped a few years ago. so i do have more experience than most white belts but i dont have as much experience as a true yellow belt either. so when i spar it is usualy against an opponent of a higher rank, i have only sparred with another white belt on a few occasions, agian thanks for the replys i will deffinately put them into practice.
  2. Kross

    Sparing Help

    you are right i may be focusing on winning a little to much, but at the same time my sensei approached me about competeing in an upcoming tournament, so i am really trying to get my bearings. i will try to not focus on winning as much in the future, thank all of you for your replys!!
  3. Kross

    Sparing Help

    i should have elaborated i am not a complete begginer, i got to my yellow belt a few years back, and had to give it up because of my families financial situation. so i do have some experience. In my style yellow belt is the third belt, and i was about to test for my orange. when i spar it is usualy against a higher belt level, generaly green or above, so i am outmatched, are there any drills that will help my reflexs besides sparring?
  4. Kross

    Sparing Help

    Thank you all for replying, i will deffinatley ask my sensei for some help, but one problem is i cant spar with people from other styles because i dont know anyone else who does martial arts and because the only other school near me is almost an hours drive... So there is that dilema, but i might be able to get together with some guys from class and have a free sparring session om our own to try and improve outside of the dojo.
  5. Kross

    Sparing Help

    Well i do ok with the kicks, but i can never seem to land any punches, and i can't really read my opponent to well. I also have a hard time with the timing.
  6. Kross

    Sparing Help

    Are there any drills that you can do by yourself to improve sparring? I just started Kyokushin, and i always get destroyed when we spar... So if there is any advice that you could offer it would be great!!
  7. Thanks lupin! i know not to push to hard this is only one of many injuries that i have had over the years!! the funny thing is i actualy injured the foot at my first class, we were dong pad work and kicks, i missed the pad and made contact with my training parteners elbow! just shows how truly accident prone i am! oh by the way awesome screen name!
  8. Thank you all for the support !! i cant wait to go back monday but i may have to miss class unfortunately do to a foot injury... But hopefuly it will be felling better and i will be able to participate.
  9. I just went to my first karate class, on tuesday and i love it!!!! i have wanted to take karate for years and my parents could'nt afford it but i have a job now and can just now pay for it myself... Do you have any advice for someone justa starting out??? Oh and i should mention that technicly this is not my first time taking karate, i worked my way up to yuellow belt when i was 10, but i started back at the same place and there are guys that i used top train with that are black belts and stuff. i just cant wait to start remembering everything!!
  10. I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks 1 time, but the man who has practiced 1 kick 10,000 times. Bruce Lee
  11. I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks 1 time, but the man who has practiced 1 kick 10,000 times. Bruce Lee
  12. my school goes white blue yellow orange green brown ( 3 stages) black (3 stages)
  13. i was 8 so i thought that was his name! i just started a few days ago, and cant wait to get back into it!
  14. my old teacher always had nicknames for all the students! where do you take evergrey i had an instructor named shihan
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