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Oni Kudaki

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Everything posted by Oni Kudaki

  1. Kuro Obi [black Belt] is a cool flick. It's in Japanese and it features some great examples of Shotokan Karate.
  2. No system is the best. They all have their own merits and demerits. When it comes to learning, regardless of the style, you can only ever hope to be as good as the person you're learning from. Styles cannot "suck" because they don't do the fighting for you.
  3. Kiai is important but the way you pronounce it is not. Hell, mine sounds sometheing like "tseyah!"
  4. As it stands, I go to class 4 times a week and I can't go any more often than that. When I'm not at school I've got plenty of free time and I'd like to devote some of that time to more training. Also, I can't get to the gym because I'd need to join and I just can't afford that.
  5. If it comes to grappling, it will most likely end up on the ground. If you can keep it to striking, it probably won't.
  6. I'm studying Motobu-ryu Karate with Tae Kwon Do influences. This is coupled with Aikido and a little bit of Judo for grappling.
  7. White Yellow Purple Orange Blue Blue/ Black Stripe Green Green/ Black Stripe Green/ 2 Black Stripes Red Red/ Black Stripe Red/ 2 Black Stripes Black
  8. 6th kyu. That's green where I train.
  9. brings knees together and step out into horse stance elbow bring it back and backfist with the same hand.
  10. It's not so much BJJ, it's the UFC types who study it and then put down every other style. I've heard some jerks saying things like "Karate would never work in a real fight you need to learn BJJ and Muay Thai." and that really bugs me, it's like a giant flip of the bird to not only practitioners of other styles but to martial arts in general. Personally, I don't have a problem with BJJ. I do, however, have a problem with the kinds of people don't have any respect for other styles.
  11. I wear my white gi. Although, after 4 years it isn't very white anymore.
  12. Well there has to be a charge somewhere in there, maybe get in at a 45 degree angle and punch when he does that? I mean, when he's got you he clearly has the upper hand but if you can stay away form him he can't really do anything. It's sort of like bull fighting if you think about it.
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