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    Inventory manager

solitarymonkey's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. well, i've tried out your tip on shaking your shoulders and jogging for the last 2 weeks, and i can honestly say that both my sensei's have seen a drastic improvement in my sparring. i even freaked one out with the speed i approached him with and my rapid attacks. so i'd like to say thank you!! it's my 2nd tournament in 7 days, and hopefully, i'll make it a lot further than i did last time. cheers!! and all the best on your journey, too
  2. without practice, a kata will never look good. the best kata performances come from people who spend loads of time practicing all different aspects of their training. they will be composed, timely, accurate, appear powerful and have lots of "snap" to their technique. which does remind me of one "trick". wearing a heavy weight gi can help enhance your "wow" factor. they look smart and don't fall open like lightweight gi's, look cleaner (both hygenically and technically), and make clapping noises with fast punches etc. oh, and relax. kata's never look good when you're all tense and bricking it.
  3. hi, i have a tournament coming up in mid september, and my sensei keeps telling my that when i'm sparring, i need to relax more and be faster in my attack etc. i'm sure many of you probably know what i mean. and what i'm basically asking, is what tips and advice any of you may have on relaxing during sparring and becoming faster and more ruthless (yet controlled, obviously). i suffer from depression, and am aware that due to how long i've suffered for, that i dont exactly have the most relaxed and calm looking face in the world, especially during any form of activity involving concentration, which probably makes me look more intense than i feel. but i cant see my body language, so i dont know. lol. any way, any advice my fellow artists? cheers!
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