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Everything posted by hongkongphoey

  1. Sorry, not personally, but saw it on a video for Kyokushin. Vintage stuff! It's a shame he went a bit daft in the end, but his legacy lives on.
  2. There in lies the problems or the joys of karate as we know it, do we stick with tradition?, because that's the way it was, is and will be, or do we look at it from Tani and kimura's point of view? and develope the techniques, and further refine them. Problem is we have so many sheep and so few goats, and the sheep will not change, or perhaps that's to strong, may be they are resistant to change. Yet I see in Kata so many changes and I do not believe for the better. Kata was developed for a reason, if it didn't work the old masters wouldn't have kept it. so why do I now see changes there? Back to thread, the puch is in the man, a good big 'un will always beat a good little 'un, or so I'm told
  3. It was said that due to the double hip twist that Shukokai punches were the strongest in Karate. However have you seen the videos of Mas Oyama killing the charging bull with one punch? punches are strong or weak in the practitioner, not the style. But I like my punches
  4. Hi John, i've just found this forum. I feel a sort of half quote from the wizard of oz coming on " why should we travel the world when all we need may be in our own back yard?" You mentioned Hamish Adams in another thread, A man I never had the chance to train with. I did train with Tommy Morris, Pat McKay, Davie Coulter, Ticky and Dominique to name but a few. Mind we wiped the mats with the Japanese back in the early 80's. So I'm with you, unless there is something special to offer, i'm happy with good guys I can find close at hand. Iain abernethy included.
  5. You are not alone!
  6. Hi If15, The WKF have a load of DVD's on Shito ryu, I have all of them they are good, learning pace and perforamce speed, Views from front, side, rear and embusen. Sensei Tomiyama has three good ones too, as has Terry Pottage.
  7. Cheers guys, I'm guessing it's going to have to be Goju ryu, Japanese not Okinawan( I'd have prefered). No way am I starting a club again, way to much hassle. The joy of Shito ryu half the Kata are Goju with slight differences
  8. Okay here goes.... Hi Gals and Guys, I found your site on puropse, I went looking for it! hopefuly i'll find the info I want from you all, and "IF" I can help anyone, I'll try. Older UK practitioners will remember the original HKP, I'm nothing like him. Raised in the west of Scotland, i've been doing Shukokai for a wee while now. Big problem though, I moved to Canada, and can't find a class to suit. Guess this is me back at white belt again
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