I have had a great number of teachers.... however the one that i respect most is my Karate sensei. He had a brain hemerage when he was younger but went on and overcame it and got his blackbelt eventually reaching 4th Dan. His club is small and often even struggles to pay its bills although like all clubs sometimes it can quickly grow in size. However every session, no matter how well the club is doing he pays just as much as every student and then goes on to teach the class. Rather than take the money he in fact pays himself and takes all the money at the end to either pay for the hall, facilities or to get a guest speaker / teacher to come and visit. He also is a stunning teacher and strongly dislikes Mcdojo's as i feel most people do; he keeps the prices to the lowest possible that the club can survive on and asks people only to pay for sessions they attend rather than sign contracts and pay per month. If a member of the club is going through financial difficulties then the sensei understands and tries to make an exception for them.
I study Sankukai, a style created fairly recently but was the fastet growing style in the world for some time. It has strong Aikido and JuJitsu links and is based on evasion - as a result it is a lot less rigid than styles such as Shotokan
I do 7 martial arts... between them i train 30 hours a week, with 2 sessions on Monday, 3 on Tuesday, 3 on Wednesday, 2 on Thursday, 3 on Saturday and 2 on Sunday Each session is from an hour and a half to two and a half hours
Hi. I am new, and upon arriving, rather than reading every single post - just looked at the titles of this section. It is more than possible that i missed the answer to this question therefore - and if this is the case then let me apologise in advance. There seem to be a lot of Shotokan students here, but is there anyone who does or has practiced Sankukai Karate? Thank you for your time. Defender