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Everything posted by tshep1

  1. ok srr guys havent had time to respond. First off you are right every art does hevily depend on set stances and muscle memory. But tkd at least as of what i have seen stresses them more in sparring. Also what i meant by muscle memory in tkd was that as in and art form. tkd is more tournament geard than any other ma system. with it beang tag as you said you devlope you muscles to pull punches and kicks due to hevy tournament sparring. this hevaly takes away froum the selfdence aspect of it. as pulling punches and kicks in a fight can turn out bad. I am by no means saying all tkd students do this. Its just a fact most people have trouble going from light contact to real contact when there body is programed to pull back. as for the agr of and art it has everything to do with how afective it is. Bottom line the older the art the more time it has had to evolve. Just like a chiled. Lets put it like this tkd has had roughly what 60 years to define its self. and tang soo do my art is not much older than that there is no way eather arts have had anuf time. to even start taking out all negitive aspects that art. as oposed to and art thats 300 years old or older. the older arts have one advantage there more evloved and combat tested. thay have had the time to weed out pour tecniques that dont woork or are unpracticul. Now that does not mean thay arte more afective. But thay are mnore evolved and that does give them and advantge in the selfdefince aspect of martial arts. As for are there people in tkd that can take care of busness of coars there are. I am not bashing tkd or its students or instructos. but i will say most not all but most tkd is geard twords sport and not self defince that were the term sport karate comes in that you find in or arround most tkd schools. thats y i would go with something more tradishonal or at least something that trains in a more tradishoil manner with hard sparring and no light contact as you want to know what getting hit fills like. you dont want to be in a fight and just finding out what it means to be realy hit.
  2. first off no tkd can be used for sd but its not very afective. Not saying there are not great tkd instructos out there who can train you in tkd in a practicul way. because there out there. Just 99 percent of tkd in states is not taught that way. Tkd ( i mean most of it not all) is taught as a sport or compatiton with rules and point sparring. Student are taught point sparring and light contactat. Now muscel memory comes into play tkd is very repeditve so you program your body to pull punches and kick. this is horable for sd also you realy on to many stances in tkd. in sd you wilkl not have time to make sure your in the ideal stance. to properly punch and kick. now with that said. you have to understand tkd was not invented untill what i think 1955 dont quot me on that. kore for some reason wanted to get all out side influnence out of there martial art. which was straing because kore martial arts have heavily been influnced by china and japan. so thay wanted to unife all korean ma unde one name tkd. now gm hwang kee and a few others remaned indapendent and that were you will find more self defance oreanted korean arts. now some of the members off the moo duck kwan joined tkd and tried to perserv the tradishonl hard sd side of it. but thanks to big assos it was evintuly bread out of tkd. to the sport of tkd we know today. Now if you can find masters with roots not more than 4th genarthons to the mdk i am sure you will find some usefulle sd. but if you want to stick with korean arts and have use full sd i would go with tang soo do and not world tang soo do. or i would try hwrangdo some kuk soul won or yudo whish is korean judo
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