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Everything posted by Milo1991

  1. Since 12 may 2013 Shodan in ITKF
  2. Traditional Shotokan in ITKF
  3. I order (and now wait) for my black belt. In one side my name and second name in katakana, in the other side dento karate do (traditional karate do)
  4. Szczeciński Klub Karate Tradycyjnego "IPPON" in English: Stettin Club of Traditional Karate "IPPON". https://www.tradycyjne.szczecin.pl and on facebook http://www.facebook.com/pages/Szczeci%C5%84ski-Klub-Sportowy-Karate-Tradycyjnego-Ippon/181550651884854
  5. For me the best is Traditional Karate. In this name are few styles or how some people say's schools ( a way how someone teaches karate.) The main and the most know styles/school are : Shotokan, Goju-ryu, Shito-ryu alsow Fodokan(Prof. Jorga's school of Shotokan, how he said "Fodokan is elite of Shotokan"). For me the most important is if the style teaches us todome waza( the way how to destroy all offensive power of our enemy ). Then this is not a sport but a true martial art.
  6. Heian Shodan Heian Nidan Heian Sandan Heian Yodan Heian Godan Bassai Dai Jion Kanku Dai Empi Hangetsu Tekki Shodan
  7. I realy know what is this book name, and I know that I can buy this in this site but I live i Poland.
  8. I have question to you my friends. Have you got a this book ?? Because I try to find this book and download but I can't. If someone know where I can upload this book please past a link. Thx
  9. I realy hope this because this is my dream since i have been start traningi Karate
  10. Thank you. I prepare for Shodan but i have to wait about the 1 year. sensei8 do you know any another site like this about Karate ??
  11. I'm a Ichi(1)kyu in Traditional Karate and now I preparing to 1st Dan
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