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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Ninjutsu Jujutsu Taijutsu Commando Krav Maga
  • Interests
    Moving to japan and training with manaka sensei or to new york to train with adam mitchell sensei

Akikazeninja's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. Need some people to chill with and practice MA, it would be cool to meet some people from other Ma's and crosstrain with each other!
  2. Yeah don't take this harshly but the meaning behind martial arts being so difficult is that when you're progressing you feel accomplished, it wouldn't make you persevere to rank higher if you trained at a mcdojo and got handed belts like it was nothing so if you do decide to do it persevere and accomplish things. Nah, I get that. I never once said or expected belts to be handed out like candy, all I was doing was expressing a concern. A concern I have to take into my own hands to get over. I do want to do it, even if my original post may or may not have given that impression. I totally understand what you're saying, and if you genuinely do want to do it but don't aren't always wanting to be training at the dojo you're at then find another one Like you sadi about the big class, I train with my sensei and two other people so we pretty much have private classes and I love it so if you are looking for that then more power to ya I am sure you would love it, good luck finding one you love
  3. Yeah don't take this harshly but the meaning behind martial arts being so difficult is that when you're progressing you feel accomplished, it wouldn't make you persevere to rank higher if you trained at a mcdojo and got handed belts like it was nothing so if you do decide to do it persevere and accomplish things.
  4. welcome to karateforums lewes I don't know much about meijin so I won't say they are good or bad but what I can say about ronin is that they are excellent one of the guys in my dojo has a heavyweight ronin gi and that thing is beautiful! It is pretty heavy (wears like a tank) but it is so nice I ordered one from kinjisan.com a few days ago. I don't really think you could go wrong with either of them though.
  5. Thank you! I am not hating on BJJ because I would actually like to try it out but I just wanted to capitalize on what you said because it seems like everybody I talk to thinks that BJJ did not come from JJJ, and when I type in JUJUTSU on youtube or google all the searches that come up are brazilian jiujiutsu and it kinda bothers me seeing traditional martial arts being sort of swept under the rug by all the newer MA's
  6. It is funny you post this because I was looking at buying a meijin and then I saw a post identical to this one on another forum saying that their customer service is horrible and so I ordered the ronin because if I ever hear if a company that doesn't treat its customers like they should I never buy from them. It just makes sense that if you own a company and you want people to have an enjoyable and smooth experience buying from you so they come back for more not leave angry and boycott you.
  7. I ended up going with the ronin because I heard that meijin has a terrible customer service reputation and if my gi didn't fit I want a company that will work with me
  8. I can't stand when people do things like this, there are a few things here I would like to talk about, first off every dog has his day, I know he repeatedly beat black belts but he might have just gotten lucky, but the biggest thing I see here is that who freakin cares if they were black belts?! I have two friends at school that are "black belts" but it only took them a year and a half to get them because their instructors just wanted to test them and get the test fee and they are horrible fighters. When we mess around and fight I beat them every time and I am only 8th kyu- after a year of training- so just because he beat black belts doesn't mean he is good. But even if they were legit black belts and have earned what they are wearing then he is a good fighter but it is still completely wrong to just buy something that so many people work years for in a day and say you earned it. But props if he is a good fighter
  9. This is exactly what I was going to suggest, why waste all that hard work and dedication to have it ruined by someone else?
  10. I am getting a new heavyweight gi (in black) and was wondering which brand you guys suggest, and I wear a size 5 in a century gi so what size should I get in either of these brands, thank you
  11. I think all these topics about what martial arts go well together can sometimes not cover the topic of it doesn't really matter so much on the specific martial art as it does the instructor because I have been training in japanese jujutsu for a year but my instructor has a background in wrestling so he combines the two in our self defense class to make a great mix, but like they say in krav maga in a street fight they usually have friends so if you take it to the ground you better be ready to get up fast or get your head stomped
  12. Nicely put! I strongly agree and would like to add that we can all talk about how this MA is like this or this MA does this but even within a MA there are different ways of it being taught. My sensei has trained in 2 of the three different organizations in my martial art(ninpo taijutsu) and they each teach the techniques differently and they both cover groundfighting, grappling, throwing, weapon, striking, and so on and I think that in every MA you will find that they encompass most of these things as well, they just have different approaches to them
  13. Ok well thats the whole point of this forum is to post things that will spark discussion, who said I am judging anybody? I am just saying I think that it makes the martial art community look bad so thats why I wanted to see what others think.
  14. I am not gonna bash any martial arts because my sensei has taught me many life lessons and a major one is too never judge before I have tried it and also due to the fact that a lot of McDojos come from a bad instructor, but isn't anybody getting fed up with dojos testing their students as soon as possible to get money and their students couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag or they have no knowledge of the martial art and its history because their instructor and dojo leaders are slacking?
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