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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    hsing kung fu,tkd,
  • Interests
    extreme sports,ki,martial arts
  • Occupation

fraden2's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. im jus wondering,is their any weapons in tae kwon do,like nunchucks,daggers,swords etc. im new to martial arts...
  2. I was just wondering can you teach your self and be skilled as a black belt martial artist after practice.My friend did that before he sighned in my style,and after he switched his style.
  3. thats a sad story,boxeador, i agree with him try another style,but or keep up with that current group and train.thats what i do when something like that happens,i do research and train when i go on another style that instuctors in yor town dosent have the style you want.good luck,do research or practice hard on your current syle.
  4. every time i focus my energy,i seem to get weaker,and tired and slower in each punch and kick why is that happening?
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