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Everything posted by Crazybones

  1. Hey everyone, I've been looking pretty hard for a book. Okinawan weapons : Sai & Tonfa Fighting Techniques by Harold Long, Phil Little, and cant find it anywhere. Does anyone know where I can get a copy? Thanks in advance! OSU!
  2. I have 2 I wear; I have a shureido white gi, and a black 14 oz sang moo saa. I prefer the shureido at the end of the day, but sang moo saa is top quality stuff too.
  3. I agree with Isshinryu5 on this one. Youtube is a double edge sword, in that it can show you new ideas both good and bad. That so much isn't the problem it's when people try to encapsulate an entire style by saying "I saw Joe Blow 100th-dan do a mawashi geri and omg it was balls" does that mean everyone practicing that style performs that poorly? no. Does it mean there are people out there who aren't worse than him? no. I started training in Isshinryu at an early age and with it I've gone to places all over the US. I've seen very good Isshinryu and I've seen some that was well, awful...but I can say that about any style I came across. I love Isshinryu, but I have trained with it for several years and I know where it excels and where it lacks. In my opinion being effective with any style begins with knowing those two things and planning accordingly. I have done judo as well and I can see the same trend with it.
  4. YES THIS IS AN AMAZING BOOK....cept it's VERY expensive and relatively hard to find....but it is an amazing book that covers an amazing amount of information!
  5. I've been doing Isshinryu since I was 12, and I'm a ni-dan! OSU! and nice to meet you all!
  6. I have practiced Isshin-ryu for 12 years, and judo for 6. Isshin-ryu was founded in 1956 by Grandmaster Tatsuo Shimabuku and a synthesis of Shorin-ryu, Goju-ryu, and Kobudo. It emphasizes short natural stances, with basic striking, blocking, and kicking techniques. It will pick a good solid (vertical) reverse punch over anything fancy! Judo was founded in 1882 by Prof. Jigoro Kano. Judoka follow the mantra seiryoku zenyo - maximum efficient use of strength and Jita kyoei - mutual benefit and welfare it is comprised of throwing techniques and grappling techniques. It's all about knowing when and where to put just the right amount force into a technique!
  7. I've practiced Issinryu for 14 years and I am a ni-dan, and I've done Judo for near 6 years and I'm a shodan!
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