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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Kudoki (Northern Sil Lum and Southern Hung Gar)
  • Location
    Charlotte, NC

Calibrex's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Brock came from WWF into UFC as a heavy weight. He absolutly rocked the compitition. Only lost 1 (before his last defending title match) to a submission. Took 3 matches to get the belt. And defended it multiple times.
  2. Yeah based on keeping your word. So more of a verbal agreement?I'll throw in the same pitch I do everytime this topic comes up: I met my wife at my TKD school. grats, more power to you. not many can do so, and it involves the people around you. I have met many people who could not hold a relationship at work... very few actually can sort things out. I have been met people that worked together and so badly wanted to be with each other that the man transfered offices (or jobs) just to make sure they can stay together.
  3. Before I ever did martial arts, I played tennis, soccer, and boxing (not sparring but for conditioning) and on strikes and/or finishes regardless of the sport, we had breath out bursts very similar if not the same as MA kiai's. Even when tackling or being tackled, non punch or kick events, kiai can soften the blow or prepare the body
  4. Kk I didn't know what else would be useful to work out with besides my door hanger for pull ups, door tether, rope squares, or body parachute for running.
  5. What would be a worth while purchase that I could use if there is no one else to train with? Use could be anything from strenght training, stamina, endurance, etc Thank you
  6. qft however, I know a few BJJ schools in my area/region that have had some problems regarding disrepectful students or trainers with only their best interest in mind (usually $). Friend told me that even the Gracie father had to step in on one problem at a local school.
  7. My Si-hing who openned a school started it with his wife. He was still training in Kudoki in Canada at the time he met her. She was training for karate (did not ask which school). They both would aid and practice with each other. They relocated and moved in to the States and started a small school. It only consists of them, myself, and another older couple who were friends of theres before hand. Now, what threw me off how the relationship works in the dojo. For the first 2 months, I did not even know they were together. My girlfriend spends time with their son and is taken back when I tell her what I see between them in class. She addresses him as her senior, and her as his younger student. He will even call her out because she is the most senior student (not oldest, but most advanced) if she is not working hard enough or performs the wrong step in a kata. We have all injured each other (she gave me a black eye, I elbowed his chin, etc) and still nothing has changed. BUT it really comes down to the teacher and his methods; senior students/student teachers and them speaking up; and, students having strong values and respect.
  8. From my Kujutsu training, there are still many ways in Defensive street techniques that can disarm or diffuse without strikes. But I do agree with you that a lot of the techniques begin with or have a weakening move in them. As in if the attacker does a two handed front choke charge, after bracing yourself, the next logical movement is do weaken by spearing the neck before blocking then furthing attacking or disarming.
  9. It certainly does. In south florida at an all age TKD school, they have a belt system of white, yellow, orange, blue, purple, brown, red, and then black --- there are 2 milestones per belt one much reach (represented with a black duck tape stripe on the end of the belt). Also, for certain achievements, like the split club or know certain specials forms, or even winning some kind of in-school tournys, you can award stars or stripes for the gi or pant leg.
  10. Within Kudoki kung-Fu, we practice kujutsu (practical and contempory ABC which is sparring, throws, and ground)
  11. Excellent advice. Remember GeoGiant, Jiujitsu is not about meeting force with force. Your instructors should be able to teach you ways to deal with this issue. For right now, it sounds like you're trying to "out wrestle a wrestler." That's probably not going to work well for you. pretty much right on. I wrestled for a year - and the main thing I learned was that size is a state of mind. I was always 2 or more inches shorter and weighed 25 lbs less than most people I practiced on. It was all about position. Keep moving, and try to get into favorable positions. If something is hurting, something is potentially wrong. I had a bad back created from having a poor guard. I have seen friends with sore knees because of how they did transitional movements in defensive positions. And yes, sore necks will occur if you are using your head for positions/posture too much or your partner is getting you into rough pins/holds.
  12. My university that I attended allowed for us to borrow rooms - as long as we registered with the school.
  13. Ever try to find places that won't charge for using their facilities? boys and girls club of X county YMCA Universities (colleges) Places that would charge a small monthly fee Yoga studies Child daycare centers / pre schools both of these allow us to lock up after they are done at night. Works out quite nice. And for us to store our stuff in their closets.
  14. In more and more schools these days, a lot of the testing is "perform 2 " 2 offensive strikes 2 sparring techs 2 defense that way, the person training can choose what works best for them to perfect and then be tested on.
  15. is this the right forum section to post information regarding different schools?
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