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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
  • Location
    Milton, ON
  • Interests
    music, martial arts, tennis, films
  • Occupation
    freelance composer

majin2912's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. It depends on what you deem as sparring. I just started WingChun after having done Goju for a year and from day 1, you work drills with another person, unlike karate where you learn basic form and kata in the earlier belts. We only began sparring at Orange belt level in Karate. Wing Chun to me is much more interactive as the system is predicated on getting a sense of the intention of the attack and then using one of the few forms to counter it. I would say it's more practical for self defense than Karate, at least from what I've experienced.
  2. I'm going for my yellow belt in Goju-Ryu this Saturday and I have been a nervous wreck all week. the only thing that calms me down is going to the dojo and practicing as much as possible. Since there are self defense components in the grading, I cannot just practice at home like with GekiSai-Dai-Ichi. Even then, my sempai pointed out I was using the hour-glass stance in some parts when I should have been using the forward leaning stance. One of the many benefits of regular classes. I think actually the limited space in my house was the culprit there since I keep having to shorten my stance to do the entire set. Anyhow, I think I would prefer surprise grading myself. Less time to be nervous about messing up.
  3. BlackFlag, congrats on your decision to start karate. I just started myself and, like you, am a bit heavy set which can be more challenging for some moves (we just learned some juijutsi today and it's hard to maneuver. However, the more you put in, the more you'll get back. Warm up and fitness is not easy but I'm up to 8 minutes of running, push-ups, sit-ups, and honestly, doing kata full strength is a work out in of itself (sempai has us doing 9 sets, 30 second intervals). Keep up the good work. Don't worry so much about sparring. At some point, you will begin learning self defense techniques that stem from your basic moves. It's cool but only after you've done the basics first to get a good handle on their application.
  4. I just started a couple months back with Goju-Ryu. I found myself in the same position as ONeAndOnly. I had studied Tae Kwon Do and Kung Fu but something about them never clicked (I do think it's more the teacher than the style). So I saw this film called Blackbelt (Kuro-Obi) and it featured Goju style. I really liked it and a lot of karateka's said very positive things about the style and the film. So I began at age 41 (going on 42) overweight and out of shape. And I still am! Heck, nothing changes overnight. The work outs are hard but I'm loving it. I find Goju very effective for my body type (shorter and stocky) and because it employs some elements of Chinese kung fu, my learning of it has been fairly fast. Sempai started teaching self defense applications of it today and it was awesome! Unlike the katas I have learned, these techniques are super practical (defense against wrist grab, lapel grab, neck choke, hair grab). Not to say I dislike the kata. I practice them all of the time. Anyhow, I fully endorse Goju. I am one of the most unmotivated people I know and I'm still sticking with it. Just signed up for a year and probably going for my yellow grading next month. Osu! Edit- As for Japanese culture, my wife is Japanese-Canadian and I love her and her family dearly. I find their culture far more compelling than mine (general Canadian white bread background, nothing special)
  5. we have hardwood laminate but there are mats for ground fighting
  6. We don't have a grab in Goju for this kata. Most of it is similar. Small differences in our dojo.
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