I am just a yellow Belt in TWD, so what do I know. But I'll say it anyway. I'mm 55. I staterted martial arts seriously, when I WAS IN MY TEENS. I TOOK twd A FEWW MONTHS, THEN DROPPED OUT. Joined the boxing team in college, never threw a punch, and took TWD again for a few nonths. Actually used a kick in a after hours bar fight. (the kick was impressive) Joined the military, learned a little somethin somethin. Took Shorin Ryu from Frank Hardgrove. GHot my prple belt. Became a correctional officer, learned a little somethin somethin. Came to Hbg, Pa and took issin-ryu. Didn't get a belt, but it helped. I didn't like the style though-too robotic! Now I am taking Tae Kwon Do again Love it! In just 8 months I have won 8 trophies. # of them are for first places-one of the in sparring. Now back in 1989 I had a car accident Recieved a head injury. I ran into a mailbox, a telephone pole, and a brickwall. My balnce is bad. The forms Of TWD is helping my balnce. And my confidence spills over the rim. In my class (Marc Slomske's Tae Kwon Do, we grapple, on occassions I have made black belts Tap Out. We don't play politics there. Neither are we old school. We are are a combination of both. Both in the way, we are Americanized the sport, while hanging on to some of the remnants of Korean philosophy. We respect Korean Philosophy, and some of the customs we have maintained. But we don't go out hummin and a bummin trying to raise money. Nr does my instructor appear inj t.v. adds saying "nobody messes with mke, even though I like John Rhee. it was under his chain, I started taking karate in 1974 or 75. The school I go to now, is on a corner street beside a Beauty parlor, and the nieghborhood laundry mat is across the street. The carpet in the place is 1/4 inch thick, and I have bled in the place, and I have seen others bleed. As a white belt, yellow stripe I have broken boards for my yellow belt test. We spar or grapple every thursday, and if we played politics there, I would surely quit , because then poltical skunks don't truly mix in learning how to fight. Sorry for the grammaticl errors, blam it on tthe boogie.