Umm... no. It doesn't translate to "Rape School." Anyone with access to Google can figure that out. Wikipedia's translation is "hard and complete system in the way of the empty hand." There are controversies, however. I read this on wikipedia: "Recruitment - A significant proportion of GKR's member base is from its door-to-door recruitment system. This system of student recruitment was taught to Robert Sullivan by Matsugi Tanaka, who was at that time the Senior Instructor of Go Kan Ryu at the Adelaide Headquarters, this was during 1984/85. Matsugi Tanaka had joined Go Kan Ryu already a Sandan in Shotokan and significantly contributed to the manner in which Robert Sullivan viewed the potential of Karate as a business. The method of door-to-door recruitment is unpopular with sections of the martial arts community and many styles have criticised GKR for its "commercial" or Amway approach to martial arts and for not caring about their members. GKR shrugs off such accusations, alleging that there is a strong "family" feel amongst its students and senseis." ( A lot of people say that GKR is a pyramid scheme. Maybe that's so. It still doesn't turn me off completely to the system, though.