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yellowsnow's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)

  1. I got an atama....then one month later switched to no gi...lol..what a waste...
  2. Vancouver,BC or Vancouver.U.S? I am from Vancouver,BC if you are looking for one in this area,I can help,because I have trained for several years at different schools. Currently I do Pankration,an art combining MuayThai with Submission Wrestling,but I fight MuayThai. It can be sort of expensive but well worth it,because you would be learning from a guy who knocked out his opponent in UFC. I pay $106.99 per month,but you can train 6 days a week unlike most schools. His name is Lance Gibson.I too train here.Checkout the school. http://www.gibsonpankration.com How long have you been training at Gibson for? Does Lance Gibson teach the classes there?
  3. It's good for show, thats about it.
  4. We do a drill on our class where one person starts on his back with an open guard and the other has to pass it. The person on his back cannot close his guard, if he does, he is out of the circle (king of the mat). Do it in time limits 30 secs, 60, whatever you want. try little things. keep your elbows to your knees if he is trying to pass, and dont let him penetrate. slip one leg so your shin goes accross his stomach and your foot is hooked on his hip. I dunno, few things to focus on. Remember to control the head. (you control the head, you control the body). Wrap your legs around his, get under/over hooks. Sorry my post is jumbled but hope this helps a bit. YS
  5. Exhale. Always exhale. When you exhale, you are forced to inhale. That way you cannot pause on the inhale. Concentrate more on the exhale, and the inhale should come to you
  6. Who knows?? But since you posted against Tito, I believe Tito would slam him and proceed to ground and pound till the ref stopped. Since Tito is way heavier In his own weight class, no one can really say. It is totally different now. 2 different worlds almost. YS
  7. Ring fights or NHB fights (vale tudo) are the closest legal thing to a street fight. When they are soooo different also!! there are sooo many other factors in street fighting its not funny, like no REF! so when your tapping out its over, in the street your gunna get beat up till HE IS DONE, not you! or vice versa YS
  8. all depends on the situation..i feel comfortable using both
  9. I do kickboxing and bjj...no rank in bjj...still a white belt...gunna change to both gi/no gi grappling though..so I can hopfully try a more pankration/nhb type fighting style/training.. I hope to get a blue belt in BJJ one day though..actualy, i hope just to get a strip on my white!! lol...
  10. Marcus is GREAT. He is a 6th black belt in BJJ. I have been to a couple of his drop in classes here in vancouver. He is highly respected. The school your talking about also is very respected. You would be making a wise decision by going there. Good luck and keep us posted! YS
  11. Yeah, what AndrewGreen said. IT's just no holds barred fighting. Like the UFC. YS
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