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  • Martial Art(s)
  • Interests
    Martial Arts, Cars, Badminton

koji126's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)



  1. Congrats...I remember my first test...oh gosh was i scared. I passed though, so im happy...i just need to start training again. I need my black
  2. Lucky you huh...at the moment, my sensei is allowing me to train free of charge whenever i feel like going there. I just hope that when i start training seriously again, that he'll let me train for free.
  3. Yeah, luckily what i pay for is what i would expect.
  4. yeah i tried that site. i was hoping for pictures. are all the kihon from shotokan the same? i take funakoshi shotokan. my sensei is kyle funakoshi. i do have a video, but it only shows the katas from hangetsu and up. i dont know where to get the others. im looking for the videos with kenneth funakoshi, i have volume 3. im looking for volumes 1 and 2.
  5. I havent done any martial arts in a while. Right now, im trying to remember all the kata and kihon ive done before I left. After that is done, I will be returning. At the moment however, Im real busy with my school work, so it will probably be a year until I can return. So if anyone out there can help me out, i would be very grateful. The style I study is shotokan.
  6. i take shotokan, or well used to. im trying to go back but ive forgotten so much and plus, the students over there are so young. im 17 and they are like 12 or 13. i feel so out of place.
  7. The fee used to be $35, but now it has been raised to $70. It isnt per month though, its how do you say it? Umms...session? Well its till the exams, then you pay a fee for the exam. The Shihan comes only during that time and gosh do i get really nervous. Its all quiet and everything. And everyone is just watching you.
  8. Yes, same here. We start with Taikyoku Shodan then in the Heians.
  9. 1st Kyu in Shotokan - not much of anything compared to you people
  10. Im new to the forums...Im currently studying and trying to remember my katas and kihon from shotokan so that i can return and continue my training. I think i was a 1st kyu in shotokan before i left, i was doing either kanku dai or hangetsu. Im not really certain since its been over a two years So if anyone can help me try to get back to where i was before, i would be very grateful thanks...
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