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  • Martial Art(s)
    Wado Ryu

Pajarito21's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)

  1. I'm about to start Niseido ju jistu here in Tennessee. I know there aren't a lot of schools that teach this but if you anybody does this type of style I would love some info or just to know if they enjoy it or what your thoughts are on the style. Also, if they know of any videos I can watch on it. Just wondering...
  2. Thanks everybody for the comments there great. I did ask my sensei and he told me it was for safety. But, he is the only one who does it at our dojo. We have 3 other instructors and they don't do it. The main objective here was to get other personal input and you guys did great! thank you very much!
  3. In my dojo we do something called 6' sparring. Even though we do have pads and we still do normal sparring, we sometimes do this type. It is when we stay 6 feet away form our opponent and spar like we would normally with out getting close to one another. I am terrible at it and hate doing it because I always end up closing the distance and sparring without contact but like I would normally. So I do get reprimanded for it. I am just wondering if anybody else does it and why?
  4. Thanks guys. I looked at the hilt and it does have two bamboo pins holding in the blade. also it is made of a metal that if I touch it and don't wipe it off before i sheath it, it will rust. What is this metal and what is the result of that?
  5. I rarely use the term sensei outside of the dojo unless I am explaining who they are to someone else i.e. This is my sensei at my dojo. other than that I will always give respect to them with a sir or mam. The thing that strikes me odd if that in my dojo I find myself the only one that calls my sensei's, sensei. Everybody else says sir or mam.
  6. I just purchased my first katana... a two handed one. The guy i bought it from said it was made from carbon steel. the question is... what metal is the best and the worst for a katana? Also, how do I know if it is a well designed or crafted blade?
  7. Definantly combat oi-gyaku tsuki but throwing two oi's and one gyaku... it is easy and fast.
  8. Real quick question... I was watching the kata on youtube and was wondering why the exhaling of the breath is so forced? Here is the video I watched: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KprSXB25BDA. If this is wrong please tell me so I am not in the wrong.
  9. I am not a boxer and I don't practice shotokan... but I feel like I can still relate because my hands are my best offence. The hardest part for me is the opponents ability to hit you lightly and it count as a point, even if you can clearly beat the other person with power and accuracy. What I tend to do is practice with people who like to give and receive more than the die hard point sparrer. I might do fine in a tournament but it keeps my karate good and shows me what I can take and what I can dish out. point sparring is just sport so don't worry to much if it isn't for you.
  10. @chitsu We do practice Kihons but at a higher belt... I usually fight off my limited tang soo do practice and my back ground of scrapping. but most of all I get frustrated with the advantages of the taller opponent in the sparring session. I love non stop sparring so when someone might have a chance to tap me they get to pay for it dearly. But, can't wait to do the kihons.
  11. I'm confused countering a move like the shredder won't be difficult, the hard part is who is faster you or the person reaching for your face. If someone goes for my face or uses some other attack as a way to get to my face my initial body reaction is to cover vital organs, such as, eyes. I am not going to let someone just repeatedly grasp at my face with out striking or grabbing there fingers. You're pinkie finger is not stronger than my hand. grab one of those bad boys and we will see what hurts more a finger getting broken or a scratch on the face. Maybe I just don't understand the technique fully.
  12. I'm 23 and 5'3". and I use to wrestle. I loved it, I wrestled 135 and was really good because I was stout and fast. But, Amir, I would definably look at lucha libre, which is mexican wrestling. you know Rey Mysterio, he is lucha and he is one of the best.
  13. @toptomcat: what do mean?
  14. I went to my first tourney not to long ago and had a blast too. hope you do great on you're next tourney.
  15. you do have to be taken down to get better at it. The way I got better was breaking it down into a set of movements, like a kata. When you first learn a kata you just break it down and learn what to do. so first start on our butt and fall back making every move you are supposed to do, using your ab muscles as a way to slowly let your self down. this will take the "crap I am falling" and replace it with "what do I do next."
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