Kata competition is good for a few things, in my opinion: 1. It's a great way to help you conquer any kind of nerves you might have about being put on the spot and scrutinized by total strangers. 2. You get to see some kata you might never see, being done by some great forms competitors. 3. It's a great boost to your self-confidence to win a trophy, if you've never had that experience before. However, judging, of course, is VERY subjective, and not all judges, even the few who are judging you, are looking for the same thing in your performance. I firmly believe that it's very possible, if the great Okinawan Goju-Ryu master, Morio Higaonna, in his prime, competed in some of today's tournaments, as great as his kata undeniably is, he might not even place! Sounds like heresy, but I've actually seen threads on youtube of his katas, where supposedly experienced karateka think his basics are weak, and pick apart his technique! Anyway, being yourself, and doing the best performance of your kata possible is the all you can control in kata competition. If you start changing things for competition, you'll drive yourself crazy, since every tournament is likely to have different judges scoring your performance. -RB