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  • Martial Art(s)
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    Eastern NC
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    Law Enforcement

traffic142's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Can any one share any history of this kata? It is a relatively short kata, but would be a good beginnner one?
  2. DO NOT buy from the black belt shop in my experience. I ordered a Tokaido belt and embroiding. When I got it, it had a wrong character in the Kanji and was in orangeish red, not the usual Red. No help from them on some adjustment. They did offer to re do the Kanji, but in orange again. I did order from Panther belt, nice lady on the phone, took my order, answered all my questions. Great Folks.
  3. I was considering ordering a Tokaido Gi from them and not through Centruy or Asian World. Has anyone ordered it from them before, how was the quality and service? OR should I order from someone else? I was also considering having them do the chest embroidery as well. Thanks
  4. I trained with Rickie Arendale back in the 80's do you have a contact email or number for him? I know he is teaching in Ark for the past good while. Thanks
  5. What is the average cost for a Shurido belt and embrodery? Any ideas?
  6. I think that a student, regardless of the age needs a firm foundation in empty hand Kata. I would suggest that maybe after several kata's have been learned. We learn our first kata for yellow belt, and introduce the first bo kata at purple, just prior to brown. I feel that you could begin with just bo basics first and not just a kata. I think some folks forget the basics of a weapon and jump rigth into kata. You would not do that with empty hands would you?
  7. Did Nakimori Sensie leave any steps out or techniques? Again I noticed more in other forms of that kata, more blocks, punches, etc. Thanks
  8. I think sometimes Kihon Kata is overlooked and really needs to be trained right after basic Hojo Undo.
  9. Question? I do not have any instructors near by but have been looking at You Tube at this kata. Several black belts have a similar kata's posted ( from Holland, Russia, USA, Canada, etc). So the pattern is similiar, then I stumbled upon a version that an okinawan master performed in 2009. He left out parts ( I have heard they do this in public performances for a reason). The main question is in the kata, it shows a up flip of the tonfa, followed by a down flip and cross swing several times in the kata. The Okinawan Master Nakamori-san does his a swinging flip up with both tonfa at the same time (two revolutions)- see also karate by jesse on you tube. Similiar to the one hand at a time in Matsu higa no tonfa. My question is which to follow? Nakamori san is harder to do, so is that why some modified it? Can anyone shed some light on this? Thanks
  10. Thanks any help is appreciated
  11. Sure, It is a controlled form of Kumite, it is also like Kata bunkai also. It is two person, one is the defense and the other is offense, offense does 3-4 techniques, the defense blocks the 3-4 techniques and then counter punches. You can go back and forth on those. Very similar to the Bunkai for the katas in format.
  12. Scott Renaldo, Bill Coppage, Larry Dreher, Master Pogue, Master Nagle and then Shimabuku. Greenville MS Dojo. Studied on and off for the past 26 years, more off than on.
  13. I had mine in the closet for years. I soaked it in oxyclean and detergent and after 4 washes, it got clean.
  14. Does anyone have the list and explanations of those drills? I have searched all over Google for them. I have found the Chart 1, 2 stuff but no sparring and kicking drills. Help
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