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albeaver89's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. What do you do when faced with multiple attackers? Im not trying to belittle the style because it have amazing points im just wondering
  2. "What was the attacker trying to do accomplish? What was the emotional state of the defender? Where you scared for your life? Trying to protect another? What was the level of the threat? All of these things and more come into consideration when it comes to levying a charge on somebody." Ive always been taught when/if you get into a altercation that you say" i thought i was going to die" and make sure they know that you know nothing of what happened because you are not an expert and you kind of blacked out and axted on instinct and it was a blir and you know nothing other en he was going to kill you and your scared.
  3. Saya in my car at all times i wish i could carry a bo but its just too big on walks i have one though
  4. Well if somone invaded my home i would pull out a katana or saya if they hand a knife or other weapon like that if they had a gun id pull out a gun, or katana. I cjoose those because of personal prefance i also cary my saya in my car at all times and a pwn can be effetivly used to defend yourself
  5. We use saya tonfa and bo We start learning bo basics at orange belt, at blue we learn a bo kata, tokamine no kun (sp?), at green we do bo bo kumite, a pre arage vo vs bo fight, and we also learn saya basics at green at purple we learn kusanku saya and tonfa basics at brown we learn shafa(sp) a tonfa kata and urashi bo first degree black belt we learn vo saya kumite, second degree we learn chatara no saya (sp?) and 3rd degree we learn shishi no kun no dia
  6. What style do youtrain in what rank are you and how many day and times a day do you train. Isshin Ryu 3rd kyu brown belt Average of 3 classes a day mon-thursday saterday and sunday 1 class
  7. At my dojo we use rubber guns at first then move up to airsoft guns of all varieties, we used a shot gun a aotumatic a hand gun and two guns. The guns are loaded but it just stings when you do it wrong and usualy its sensie holding the guns. We do diffrent ranges and diffrent senarios.
  8. My grandmather would have died if she was wearing a seatbelt
  9. If you are not training for multiply attackers you are not using martial arts correctly. No one is going to go one on one anymore, there are always multiply ppl and even if there is not youve been training with like ten ppl attacking you so it should be cake. Always make training harder then any real life situation.
  10. albeaver89


    We have a diffrent version of this kata called kusanku. I think the part in question could be a throw or a double kick to the torso then knee. Just my first idea.
  11. I need to find a good place to train in ching chun in chicago any advice?
  12. Hello my name is Allyn i am 22, i live in Indiana, USA. I study IsshinRyu Karate. ive been studing for 2years-ish i am a 3rd kyu brown belt. My favorite kata is Chinto. My favorite weapons arethe saya kama bo and boken/katana. I train almost everyday at my dojo and everyday at my home. I like to study ki/chakra/whatever you want to call it.
  13. I talked to my Sensi and he said that you could us two weapons, like the sia and sword, or jo. and they might have done it historically.
  14. I thought about using a sia with a kodatchi, two different weapons as one
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