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david123's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)

  1. hey, i was thinking about getting a silk black belt from kamae, just wandered if anybody out there would tell me if their any good?? any reviews, and please can i get a picture of what the embroidery looks like becuase i need to know if its any good compared to other makes...also i was trying to decide about colour what do you guys think, orange, red or silver/white? thanks
  2. hey...im just wandering if their is another way of improving kata without practicing karate like a long belt or long suits, people say they make it look better is it true?? any other ways??
  3. orite thanks
  4. a high end one
  5. i was thinking of getting a new belt.....can you please show me a photo(preferably tied to see how it sits) and the exact specifications of it.....thanks
  6. david123


    i do shotokan karate and we fight with ippons and waza-ari's.....i know punching like reverse punch and stuff gets a waza-ari and a jodan roundhouse gets an ippon.....but what exactly do they look for and what techniques get ippons??
  7. thanks ill give that a try
  8. ive started teaching a wee bit at some classes but i just seem to be using a louder voice rather than a proper loud powerfull teaching voice....any tips??
  9. ive been extreemly succesfull with the mawashi geri (roundhouse kick) , gyaku tsuki (reverse punch) , kizami tsuki (front jab) and mae geri (front kick) i won the junior british with a very simple block and two points with the reverse punch really usfull technique front jab or front kick to set up another attack and roundhouse to score ippons which to an unexperienced person is EXTREMELY good
  10. seriously that doesnt matter! i wear it to and from if its just regular training becuase ill just get in the car and go...i sometimes put a hoody on if i walk a bit extra to the car but when i train elsewhere or comps i always change there....i dont go walking about after with it on...some neds will probably jump you to see if your actually a karate fighter and probably even more so if you wear a black belt
  11. i calculated about 200 reverse punches a week, thats 10, 400 a year!! ive done karate for about 6 years thats about 62, 400 reverse punches in my karate lifetime...that builds muscle memory faster than actually thinking and executing that move...basicly ive done it 62, 400 times and thats why i had such a fast punch im junior british champion
  12. it depends...by just genaral knowledge you could easily be sweeped or taken off your feet extremely easily, even just moving your front foot gives the opertunity for a sweep...i dont know why pros do it but personly i do it a wee bit in comps and stuff but in training you should never bounce about...or in a street fight bouncing about gives opertunities and could have catasrophic consequences!
  13. i dont really fight much but ill tell you some one of my most victorious moments of my of maybe like 2 years ago or something, well i was on this mini hill and a guy game at me with a pencil becuase i suposidly stole is football card (i didnt) but anyway i grabbed him...actually lifted him and through him down this hill he then cried and i walked away... another when a guy squared up to me and he looked as if he was gona make a move so i smashed him square in the mouth with incredible force he stumbled back and that was about it, years on he still looks shifty about me at school, he also only found out i was a black belt AFTER he started on me there pretty crap but hey, im british and former scottish champion yet i dont like to fight
  14. i really like falling now...i now train in judo and karate the judo helps with breakfalls!! seriously...ive been thrown onto concrete which should really hurt but since i learnt to breakfall it just hurt the palm of my hand when slamming it down...dont be afraid just go with it and be relaxed when you fall also breath out....holding your breath can hurt you...dont know why but breathing out helps... basicly cross train in a grappling art or learn a breakfall via the internet
  15. shotokan: kihon kata the 5 hian katas (peacfull mind) tekki (iron horse) katas bassai sho & dai (storm a fortress) enpi jion hangetsu kanku sho & dai there are many but i havnt fully learnt them yet
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